I sent Matthew a link to my last post.
He quickly responded:
And now you’ve committed a handful of torts, including libel by taking my words out of context and tortious interference with business.
Enjoy the lawsuit I’m in the process of filing against you, psycho, arrogant, inferiority complex-ridden moron.
Attorney At Law
What Matthew doesn’t realize (because obviously he’s not a guy who does his homework before inviting experienced lawyers to join him in what appears to be fraud against a major investment company) is that I am not some civilian who quails at the thought of being dragged into court. I have been sued before, and I will be sued again. Every time someone tries to attack me for my writing, I make free speech stronger by refusing to cave in. So I actually will enjoy the lawsuit he is in the process of filing against me.
I hope Matthew doesn’t have a good friend with enough wisdom to tell him to stop digging. Maybe this’ll be my chance to buy Marc Randazza the best steak in Houston.