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2015.98: Fidelity Says “No” to Matthew’s Scheme

I sent Fidelity a copy of Matthew’s email proposing that I act as a front man, using my name to allow him to get referrals from their Preferred Attorney list. ((I probably wouldn’t have bothered if Matthew hadn’t reminded me that he was there by incompetently threatening to sue me.))

I received a prompt emailed reply from their (a?) Director of Wealth Planning Product Management in Merrimack, New Hampshire:

Dear Attorney Bennett – this is outside the scope of our program.

Thank you!

That’s short and sweet. No surprises there. So Matthew’s suggestion that Fidelity would not be defrauded under his scheme is, it appears, false.

I’m sending my correspondent a link to this blog post, in case Fidelity is concerned about Matthew’s “family friends at Fidelity Investments who promise me AT LEAST one new client a week (Estate Planning) if I were able to get on their Preferred Attorney’s List” outside the scope of Fidelity’s program.

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