Site icon Bennett and Bennett, Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer

A Defending People Retrospective

It all began on March 19, 2007:

I’m a criminal-defense lawyer in Houston, Texas. I represent people accused of all sorts of crimes in state court all over Texas, and in federal court all over the country. In this blog, I plan to talk about anything that relates in any way to the practice of criminal defense law. In my mind, that’s a very broad category, encompassing not only law and current events but also politics, religion, culture, society, sex, comedy, love, fear, literature, theatre, psychology, psychodrama, hypnosis, history, science, technology, and just about anything else that you could name.

Time now to check in.

I haven’t posted every day, but I’ve written at least two dozen posts every month since April 2007. My most prolific month was July 2007, when (for no particular reason) I posted 64 times. My lightest month was July 2008.

Statcounter tells me that I’ve gone from 643 visitors in April 2007 to 18,802 visitors in January 2009. Twice as many people read my posts in July 2008 as in July 2007. There was a surge around the time of the moral collapse of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office at the beginning of January, and another surge last December when the ABA Journal named Defending People one of the top 100.

To those of you who have only joined me recently, welcome. Please browse the archives or use the search engine to see some of my earlier work (with much of which I’m still very happy).

To those of you who have read all 1,000 posts to date, thank you. Let me know what you’d like to see more of.


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