Spending lots of money on the web advertising yourself as a “DWI Lawyer” when you have taken only six criminal cases, only four of which were DWI cases (PDF) — and have never handled one to completion — in your home county in the three years you’ve been licensed is not quite enough, by itself, to win you an Asshat Lawyer of the Day Award.
Claiming to have “14 satellite offices” when what you in fact have is an arrangement with an executive suite with 14 branches is not quite enough either.
All of that puts you securely into the camp of “lawyers who give lawyers a bad name,” but that’s not quite enough to win you an ADA; I’m a tough grader on the ADA scale.
Jason Sughrue’s partner in his efforts to separate unwitting citizens-accused from their hard-earned money, GetLegal.com, with the assist.
(By the way, is it “2 to 5 lawyers” or “Jason Sughrue is the sole attorney“? I guess it depends who’s asking.)