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Advice to New Practical Blawgers

With new practical blawgers coming online every week, I think some advice from those who have been around a little (or a lot) longer might be beneficial.

For example, New York criminal-defense lawyer Scott Greenfield (of Simple Justice) says

Since you have no track record, it would be helpful to provide a short bio so we know who you are, what type of work you do and how much experience you bring to the table. On the internet, everybody looks alike, from the fertile octogenerian to the wettest newbie. The expectations change accordingly.

Here are a few things I would add:

If you want people to link to your blog, link to theirs in your posts. Take inspiration from the things other blawgers have written, and give them credit. Or disagree with them (heh) and include a link to the post in which they are wrong-wrong-wrong.

When you cite another blog, describe the blogger. For example, “New York criminal-defense lawyer Scott Greenfield” or “Connecticut public defender Gideon” or “Connecticut criminal-defense lawyer Norm Pattis” (hi, Norm! — Norm googles himself regularly).

Like Norm, Google yourself regularly, or go to Technorati to see who is linking to your blog posts. If they say something even moderately interesting, blog back. Quid pro quo is not the rule, but there is a spirit of reciprocity in the practical blawgosphere.

Comment on other people’s blog posts. That is, leave comments on their blogs. Also permit comments to your own posts. Don’t be afraid — comments are a good thing.

Stay away from the story of the day unless you have something new to add that is related to your subject matter. Nobody really cares whether you think Paris Hilton should go to jail.

Likewise, and while the law is an intrinsically political activity, stay away from partisan politics. The world does not need another bloviating Democratic blog, much less another bloviating Republican blog.

A good thing about blogging is that it is a good way to show the world who you are as a lawyer. Whether you intend it or not, clients will read your blog. So will your adversaries, witnesses, judges, and jurors. It would be much more difficult to present a false face in a blog than it is in an advertisement or a static website. A bad thing about blogging is that it is a good way to show the world who you are as a lawyer.

Some of our colleagues will, I expect, have a lot to add. Jamie? Scott? Gideon? Shawn? Robert? Stephen? Jon? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

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