I’ve written before about the annoying (and unexceptional) experience of being set for trial, coming to court prepared for trial, and then having the trial continued or reset because the State is not ready, or the court wants to do something else, or the court reporter is out sick.
Slightly more irksome is going to court on Monday morning prepared for trial, trial box loaded, big white notepad under your arm, Spiderman bandaid on your finger, nasty surprises for the State prepared, hair cut, boots shined (more or less), and calendar cleared, only to be told that you are third in line for trial in that court that week, and that you should come back Wednesday afternoon. You are, in the argot, carried till Wednesday.
And then returning on Wednesday afternoon, equally prepared (the criminal-defense lawyer’s credo: always ready, seldom prepared), to be told that now you are second in line for trial in that court that week, but that of course the court won’t be picking more than one jury, so thanks very much for being available and now we’re resetting your case till June.
(In case you were wondering, this is what happened to our trial that was set Monday.)