• This is taking “do not publish” just a little too far.
• “God called me to run for president” should be an automatic disqualifier. Also, you’ve been “brutalized” because you’re a Christian? In America? Shut up. Furthermore,
Sociopaths are exceedingly selfish, over demanding, manipulative and exploitive and none of them has any remorse or guilt feelings. Sociopaths tend to lie, cheat take advantage and exploit and they always find some way to justify their behavior. They never blame themselves and they harbor paranoid suspicions and accusations of others. They believe that they are “innocent victims” of adverse conditions and/or hostile environments and they justify their hostile actions by the need to defend themselves.
“Why don’t you just let us get on down the road?”
• About 15% of Americans live below the poverty line, which is about $22,000 per year for a family of four. About 70% of the population of subsaharan Africa lives below a poverty line as well, but their poverty line is $2 a day. “Economic justice” would reduce that inequality, as well as the inequality between the richest and the poorest in the US. World “economic justice” would mean making less than $10,000 (your share of world GDP) a year, and you might not be able to afford your iPhone. Do you really want that? (If you do, you can make a good start by divesting yourself of all worldly goods and donating them to the real poor.)