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Criminal Defense Contract v1

If you take retained criminal cases, you need a good contract. You don’t have to have a written contract with the client in every case, but there will be cases in which you will at some point wind up saying either “I wish I had gotten a contract signed” or “I’m damn glad I have a contract signed.”

Personal injury lawyers use contracts to bind their clients to them. They attach great significance to the “signing up” of a new client. In a criminal case, a signed contract without payment up front is very rarely worth anything. In a criminal case, it is the fee that binds the client to the lawyer. The client is free at any time to change criminal-defense lawyers if he wants to and can afford to. In a criminal case, a good contract makes clear to whoever is paying what he’s to do and what the client can expect to get in exchange.

I offer for your consideration version 1 of the open-source criminal defense contract. Use it if you like; if you find a way to improve on it, please let me know. If I am convinced that the improvements are improvements, I’ll incorporate them into future versions for distribution.

Here is the contract in .doc format;
Here is the contract in .pdf format; and
Here is a .zip file with the contract in both formats.

Some random notes:

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