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I’m Not Sure What to Think About . . .

. . . Houston criminal-defense lawyer Cole Brooks’s new blog. I’m glad to see another Houston criminal-defense lawyer jump into the practical blawgosphere (even if he isn’t a member of HCCLA . . . hint, hint), and Cole’s blog isn’t blatant “I’m great! hire me!” marketing, but so far it’s heavy on explications of Texas law and “what to do if you’re arrested for DWI.”

This is probably good for search engine optimization, but it gets old fast—to read, at least, and I’ll bet to write.

But welcome, Cole. I don’t think I know you (maybe because you aren’t a member of HCCLA . . .) but I’ve added you to the blawgroll, and hope you can stick around. Join the conversation!

(Update: I found Cole’s blog because someone came here from his blogroll; there’s a lot he’s doing right.)

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