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It’s Thursday, and R.W. Lynch Still Lies

Telephone message from Terry Fifer, Tel. 480-345-3324: “New case — an injury that I was involved in. Please call me.”

Since a) I don’t take injury cases; b) this is an out-of-town number; and c) the call went directly to my answering service (a listed number, but not one that I give out, so that the only people who call it are telemarketers) I googled the number.

It’s the folks at R.W. Lynch (I come up #3 in a search for R.W. Lynch; if everyone who reads this and has a blog links to this post referencing R.W. Lynch I hope to hit number one) are calling again.

Recall that back in April another of R.W. Lynch’s stupid marketers going under the name “Kevin McHenry” called me nine times, leaving increasingly desperate messages. McHenry used the same deceptive tactic in trying to get a call back for R.W. Lynch as Fifer — “PLEASE CALL ME RE: PERSONAL INJURY CASE”.

R.W. Lynch is calling people pretending to be potential clients with personal injury cases, in hopes that hungry lawyers who want personal injury cases will call them back and sign up for whatever services they sell. Sure, R.W. Lynch can argue that the messages aren’t fraudulent — that they really are calling regarding a “personal injury case” or “an injury” that they were involved in. But lawyers are not universally stupid, and many of us can actually recognize a lie when we see it.

If R.W. Lynch were calling personal injury lawyers saying that they were calling regarding “personal injury cases”, the only calls back they would get would be from people looking for marketing services, referral sources, or case runners. But they clearly don’t want calls back from those people; they want calls back from working lawyers who are trying to help injured people, one at a time.

So, R.W. Lynch, if you have to lie to people to get them to call you back, do you really think they’re going to be happy when they find out that you’ve lied to them?

I know that greedy people are the easiest to con, but when lawyers call you back thinking that they’re going to sign up the next 18-wheeler crash case, do they ever wind up paying for whatever marketing snake oil you’re selling?

If you have to lie to market your own business, R.W. Lynch, why would any lawyer want you marketing hers?


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