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Josh Karton in Houston

Communicating With Juries with Josh Karton
Sponsored by TCDLA and HCCLA
May 8, 2008 – | Houston, Texas | Hyatt Regency | CDLP | TBD cle
Whether you are addressing the jurors or judge directly, or reaching them through dialogue with a witness, your power of persuasion in the courtroom depends upon your ability to communicate effectively — off the page, in person. Joshua Karton, president of Communication Arts for the Professional, specializes in how to apply the personal communication skills of theatre/film/television to the art of trial advocacy. What are the specific skills (not gimmicks, not tricks) of director, actor, playwright and screenwriter, that vault oral argument off the yellow pad and move the listeners to action? Twenty-five years of investigating this question culminated in Mr. Karton’s preparation of Professor Katyal’s winning argument to the US Supreme Court in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld.
The Harris County Criminal Lawyers’ Association invites you to a sequence of workshops – intensive, interactive laboratories — focusing on skills and techniques for
1) achieving personal, one-to-one contact with jurors;
2) discovering story structure/storytelling strategies;
3) expanding vocal range, inflection, expressiveness;
4) transforming stage fright into stage presence;
5) humanizing your client.
Lodging and Meeting Location
Hyatt Regency, 1200 Louisiana, Houston, TX 77002. You may call in your reservation at (713) 654-1234 and refer to seminar dates and the HCCLA rate.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
8:00 am
Registration and Coffee
8:45 am
Opening remarks
9:00 am
Seminar Begins
12:00 noon
Lunch on Your Own
1:15 pm
Seminar Continues
5:00 pm
Seminar Adjourns

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Melissa Schank
Director of CLE and Special Events
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
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