More news from the Chuck Rosenthal / Kelly Siegler DA’s office: a 2003 email has surfaced, from one ADA to the rest of the prosecutors and the investigators, congratulating a prosecutor on convicting a guy while overcoming “a subversively good defense by Matt Hennessey that had some Canadians on the jury feeling sorry for the defendant . . . .”
You might well first ask, “well, so what?”
Then you might realize that Harris County is a terribly long way from Canada, and the chances of more than one Canadian making his way onto a Harris County jury are somewhere between slim and none.
Then, upon reflection, you might realize that “none” is probably the correct chance, since jurors in Texas must be U.S. citizens.
You might then wonder what “Canadians” means, and how it found its way into the email.
It just wouldn’t make any sense to you until somebody told you that “Canadian” is cryptoracist slang for “Black”.