Websites are for marketing. Blawgs are for communicating.
A blog post that includes a call to action (“If you’ve been charged with domestic assault, ask any prospective attorney what kind of experience they have dealing with domestic assault cases. The failure to do so could be very costly.” or “If you’ve been charged with driving while intoxicated, contact my office.”, for example) is a blatant marketing post.
I won’t help you promote a blatant marketing post by citing, quoting, or linking to it.
If several of your recent posts are blatant marketing posts, your blawg is a blatant marketing blog. I won’t help you promote it. If you’re on my blogroll already, you’re on your way off.
If you’re a criminal-defense lawyer, you’re a communicator. That’s your business. If you trust your communications skills to be your best advertising, let go of the self-conscious blatant marketing, and let your wit, wisdom, and writing attract links to your blog. If you don’t trust your communications skills to serve you better than any conscious effort, you should be neither blogging nor practicing law.
If you are not blatantly marketing and you write something interesting, I may cite, quote, or link to it, and I will probably refer to you using keyword-rich terms — for example, “Miami criminal-defense lawyer Brian Tannebaum’s blog” or “New York criminal-defense lawyer Scott Greenfield’s Simple Justice“. Consider that your reward for refraining from blatant marketing in the blawgosphere — that, and the fact that readers are more likely to subscribe to a blog that is not blatantly selling something.
I think this is a good step toward sweeping some of the garbage out of the practical blawgosphere and distinguishing those who write for love of writing or because they have words struggling to get out from those who are cynically trying to get more customers; I hope more criminal defense bloggers will join me in identifying and rejecting those blogs that threaten to turn the blogosphere into yet another iteration of the yellow pages.