•   Posted on

     June 13, 2012 in 

    A couple of people have asked me, "what's an onlya"? An onlya is any person whom a group has a reason to marginalize: "he's only a drug user," "he's only a kid," "she's only a judge." Members of the group can treat the onlya worse than they would treat other group members. We're all onlyas to someone. Whether someone is an onlya depends on the group. Among

  •   Posted on

     June 12, 2012 in 

    About a year ago I wrote about the Indiana Supreme Court's sua sponte rewriting of Indiana's self-defense statute to deprive people of the right to use force to defend themselves against police officers committing crimes. Yesterday Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels signed into law Senate Enrolled Act 1, which restored by statute that which the Indiana Supreme Court had taken away by judicial activism. In part: (i) A

  •   Posted on

     June 12, 2012 in 

    This—a blog post on Legal Schnauzer lauding Brett Kimberlin for his lawfare against Aaron Worthing—is simply stupid. Cheering people for taking advantage of an ignorant (and possibly senile) judge to shut down the free expression of people whose politics you disagree with is narrowminded and shortsighted. Even if you think your adversaries are more likely to engage in lawfare than people who agree with you? Especially then.

  •   Posted on

     June 9, 2012 in 

    Joseph Welch lambastes Senator Joseph McCarthy: "Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel…. your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me."

  •   Posted on

     June 7, 2012 in 

    In February I wrote two posts about Dr. Emmette Flynn, the San Angelo, Texas surgeon who performed a nonconsensual (and medically unnecessary, though medical necessity wouldn't justify a procedure against the competent client's wishes) proctoscopy on an arrestee at the behest of the police who brought the arrestee to the hospital along with a search warrant that order the police to present the accused, Mr. Gray, to

  •   Posted on

     June 7, 2012 in 

    Because it makes it hurt less.

  •   Posted on

     June 6, 2012 in 

    I am informed by a usually reliable source that, contrary to popular perception (and my implication here), counting scalps was not a big thing in the Holmes / Rosenthal / Siegler DA's Office. Wins and losses were not a big factor. By contrast, he says, prosecutors in the Lykos DA's Office are afraid to dismiss bad cases because dismissals are counted against them. So in his view

  •   Posted on

     June 5, 2012 in 

    (Thanks to the Electronic Privacy Information Center; PDF from Washington State University, see the source PDF, h/t Hit & Run. We didn't start the fire.) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb Domestic nuclear detection HAZMAT & Nuclear Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Health Concern + H1N1

  •   Posted on

     June 4, 2012 in 

    In closing, do not confuse deception with lying during court proceedings, falsifying official documents and evidence or lying during internal investigations. No police administrator would tolerate this behavior which destroys an officer's ability to perform their official duties in a moral, ethical and just manner. That's what Daytona Beach Police Chief Michael Chitwood told the Daytona Beach News-Journal (H/T Scott Greenfield) about police officers' lies in the course

  •   Posted on

     May 31, 2012 in 

    Ken at Popehat, writing about attacks on critics of Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin: This is about everybody's rights, not just the rights and interests of "conservatives" or any other political group. We need to transcend partisanship over this — conservatives need to transcend it because making this partisan will marginalize the situation, and liberals and others need to transcend it because this could happen to them. I

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