The TSA will remove all 174 backscatter scanners from the 30 airports they’re used in now. Another 76 are in storage. It has 669 of the millimeter wave machines it is keeping, plus options for 60 more, TSA spokesman David Castelveter said.
Not all of the machines will be replaced. Castelveter said that some airports that now have backscatter scanners will go back to having metal detectors. That’s what most airports used before scanners were introduced.
This is huge news.
It isn’t huge news because the TSA is getting rid of nude scanners. The 669 millimeter-wave machines are nude scanners too—the TSA claims that they don’t produce the explicit images that the backscatter machines provide, but I don’t know why we would trust the TSA on this. For all we know, the millimeter-wave machines have a boss key that switches from All Nude All The Time to Gumby for media medicine shows.
No, this is huge news because the TSA says that “some airports that now have backscatter scanners will go back to having metal detectors.”
In other words, nude scanners are not necessary.
In still other words, they never were.