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 November 18, 2008 in 

I’ve written here many times about my opinion that the best judges
are people whose life experience is broader and deeper than
the ordinary high school-to-law school-to-DA’s office-to-bench career track.

I’ve also mentioned my friend Kevin Fine before: he’s the guy I called when one of my friends was in Deep East Texas trouble; Kevin didn’t even hesitate to get into a car with me and ride to the rescue of this person whom he didn’t know.

What I didn’t mention is that Kevin is a guy who is highly schooled in “the hopelessness and futility of addiction”, as he says, not because he’s met people with drug problems but because he is a recovering cocaine addict (Chronicle article).

There’s little as dishonest as an addict . . . unless he’s in recovery, in which case there’s little more brutally honest. How many other Harris County judges would admit (to Brian Rogers) acts constituting felonies?

Kevin has had his ass kicked by the world, which to my mind is better preparation for dispensing justice than kicking other people’s asses as a prosecutor would be. I expect that he’ll be one of the great judges in the Harris County criminal courthouse.

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  1. Edintally November 19, 2008 at 8:26 am - Reply

    Is that a soft glow on the horizon?

  2. Cynthia Henley November 20, 2008 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    Kevin is a real person, with real experience & now we are very lucky to have him as a district court judge. Congrats to Kevin! And, thanks for your private information to allowed to be shared!

  3. steveneddy December 26, 2008 at 11:50 am - Reply

    I recently had the pleasure of Kevin’s company for about an hour recently and I must admit that this man will make a fine judge in the Houston area. Those living in his jurisdiction should feel very comfortable with this gentleman.
    His first and lasting impression was a person of integrity and honesty.

  4. GLENDA January 14, 2009 at 6:50 am - Reply

    I have heard some great things about Judge Fine. My hope for us middle class people that he will start making the banks accountable for stealing $14,000.00 from a persons savings, not to get it back because I didn’t tell them within 30 days.A letter of Lidigation from the banks laywer and my trial date was gone and so was my money.
    Also, he will start holding laywers accountable for charging fees for something that didn’t even come about in the court of appeals (it was dismissed because the other person didn’t pay the court), not completeing the job that was paid for (judgement against my ex), and will not return calls to thier clients.
    I don’t know if these issues are what the court would consider criminal, but I can tell that to “We The People” it is. Especially to single women over 50, who depended on this money to be part of her retirement, it has all be criminal and devastating.
    I Pray for him to make the Difference that this county needs to “Protect the People” against the banks and lawyers that take advantage of thier customers and clients.

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