Posted on
July 14, 2007 in
I wrote here about the Practical Blawgosphere — the group of blogs producing original content useful to the practice of law. I am starting a list of blawgs in the Practical Blawgosphere. Here are the rough criteria:
1. Blog;
2. Recently updated;
3. Focused on knowledge or ideas
3a. clearly useable in the practice of law; or
3b. potentially useable in the practice of law, along with a discussion of how they might be useable.
A blog discussing how to pick juries would qualify under 3a, as would a blog talking about how to deal with difficult clients or how to keep one’s sanity as a public defender or how to get business as a private defender. A lawyer’s blog venting about the frustrations of the work might qualify if it could easily be mined for useable knowledge or ideas.
A blog discussing some other technology — neuroscience, for example, or improvisational theatre — would qualify under 3a only if it related the technology to the practice of law. Blogviation about current events would not qualify.
Click here to email me (The address was broken; I’ve fixed it now. I’ll kill the address after a couple of weeks) to suggest a blawg that I should add to the list.
I’ll visit all of the suggested blogs and post a list, possibly sorted by subject.
Technorati Tags: blawgs, Practical Blawgosphere
This is a great idea. Hopefully, you can flush some practical blogosphere bloggers out of the woodwork. Wish I’d thought of it.
I almost feel like I have to defend IWTS now.
I thought about what my blog should be about and who my audience would be. I decided on news commentary mixed in with criminal law perspective.
I am not practical law blogging. My blog is for recreation. I live criminal defense law every day. I read it, study it, and apply it. My blog is an outlet for my macro level political ideas.
In the future, I may turn into a practical law blog. I have many I check frequently and they make me a better attorney.
But it isn’t where my most of my writing inspiration comes from.
No need to defend. IWTS provides valuable “macro level” (as you call them) ideas.
Most of the blogs I read aren’t part of the practical blawgosphere. But those blogs that are do make me a better lawyer.
Not me. I just look at them for the pictures.