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 October 5, 2007 in 

I generally have very little use for the State Bar of Texas and its official propaganda arm. I skim the Texas Bar Journal every month for the sole purpose of confirming that I’ve neither died nor been disbarred without my knowledge.

This month’s bar journal arrived today, and its theme is criminal law. So I browsed the table of contents, and saw that there was an article on “Internet Resources for Texas Criminal Lawyers.” To my delight, South Texas College of Law professor Mark E. Steiner, who wrote the article, included Bryan criminal-defense lawyer Stephen Gustitis’s Defense Perspective blog and Jamie Spencer’s Austin Criminal Defense Lawyer blog in his list of “blogs by Texas criminal lawyers that are worth checking out.”

Congratulations, Stephen and Jamie.

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One Comment

  1. The Barter System « Bad Court Thingy September 20, 2008 at 7:40 am - Reply

    […] always check the back of the Texas Bar Journal every month to make sure, as Mark Bennett put it, I’ve neither died nor been disbarred without my knowledge.  In my dilligent reading […]

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