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December 12, 2010 in
Did you know that US Government-Paid mercenaries at DynCorp are in the business of procuring young boys to be raped by Pashtun warlords? (John Nova Lomax, Houston Press, H/T Ravings of a Feral Genius.)
DynCorp officially denies that there was anything dirty going on.
You probably didn’t hear about it at the time because the Afghan government formallly asked that our government cover up the nothing-dirty-going-on, and our government seems to have complied.
But the story broke via WikiLeaks and The Guardian, and the US legacy media have, of course, been all over it. Here’s the New York Times’s coverage; here’s the Washington Post’s, and here’s CNN’s.
At this point, nothing surprises me anymore. A few years ago this would have turned my hair white. Sadly, there is not a dark hair left on my head.
In defense of the U.S. Government-paid young boy procurers:
Call me skeptical, but it’s hard for me to believe an Afghan diplomat would have been so concerned about covering up an innocent dance performance at a party. Also hard to believe that such an event would cited as a reason to limit the US use of contractors in Afghanistan.
All those that voted for Mr. Obama
You deserve what’s coming! Watch the loss of the greatest medical care in the world has ever known disappear! When your son, daughter, brother, sister, cousin, mom, dad or grandmother get sick and need care, and can’t find anyone to provide help. I hope you’ll reconsider what you’ve chosen. And when GOD ALMIGHTY judges us for throwing Israel under the bus. You’ll understand why HE judges that. Or when GOD ALMIGHTY judges us because our president would rather support gay marriage than a one man and one woman marriage. (What about Sodom and Gomorrah?) Then as the Supreme Court judges leave the bench, watch who replaces them. That might also make you question your decision. This election was bigger than one man making promises he will not keep. (We’ve had many of those over the last 4 years). Do PRAY, ASK GOD TO FORGIVE YOU! JESUS IS FAITHFUL TO FORGIVE AND CLEANSE THOSE WHO ASK SINCERELY.