Posted on

 October 11, 2007 in 

When Sharon Keller barred the courthouse doors to lawyers for Michael Richard, she killed Mr. Richard as surely as if she had put a bullet into his head on the courthouse steps (thanks to Robb Fickman for that vivid image). There can be very little doubt that, had Keller not acted as she had, Mr. Richard would be alive today.

If you’re like me, your response to this news (via Capital Defense Weekly) that 20 Texas lawyers had filed a grievance against Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Sharon Keller was, “I wish I’d had a chance to sign that.”

Well, now you have a chance. The Harris County Criminal Lawyers’ Association is going to be filing a complaint against Judge Keller with the Commission on Judicial Conduct on Monday. Tomorrow from about 10:30 a.m. to about noon I will be in the ready room on the 7th floor of the Harris County Criminal Courthouse, 1201 Franklin Street at San Jacinto, with a copy of the complaint for you to sign.

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  1. Jamie October 12, 2007 at 2:56 am - Reply

    Um, you do know that the first vowel in her name is an “i”, not an “e”, right?

  2. Anonymous October 12, 2007 at 8:12 pm - Reply

    Michael Richards was a friend of mine, R.I.P Michael. His life could have been spared and should have been spared. Now his family has to suffer more because of that Judge.

  3. Anonymous October 13, 2007 at 12:24 am - Reply

    Why didn’t the lawyers who needed to file do so BEFORE the court closed????? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. She closed on time, so you’re filing a lawsuit against her?

    HELLO???? Is anyone out there?????

    Apparently not. Get real. You’re supposedly fighting for a man’s life and are running 20 minutes late? What a JOKE!!!!!!!!

  4. […] among their responses is “blame the lawyers.” One [anonymous] sample, in comments to my first post on the subject: Why didn’t the lawyers who needed to file do so BEFORE the court closed????? That is the […]

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