Posted on

 February 29, 2008 in 

I finally got the video of Kelly Siegler and Murray Newman’s appearance on Reasonable Doubt up and running. It’s not as high-res as I would like, but it’s watchable.

Now stop bugging me.

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  1. Gideon March 1, 2008 at 12:34 am - Reply

    Y’all talk funny.

    I like this idea, btw. Is this your innovation?

  2. Mark Bennett March 1, 2008 at 12:36 am - Reply

    No, it was invented by John Logie Baird in the 1920s.

  3. Gideon March 1, 2008 at 2:00 am - Reply

    Hah. That’s not what I meant to say. I don’t know why I used the word innovation.

    This tv segment – weekly interview series – how long has that gone on in your county?

  4. pro.victims March 1, 2008 at 4:58 am - Reply

    Hundreds of years. Well, for a time, we didn’t have the use of t.v., but now, we use firearms on the segment less. It’s the new west these days.

  5. Mark Bennett March 1, 2008 at 2:23 pm - Reply

    Reasonable Doubt has been on the air for about 10 years, I think, with a succession of hosts. This was the first show with prosecutorial guests and, as pro.v notes, no gunplay.

  6. TxGoodie March 2, 2008 at 8:50 pm - Reply

    Thanks for providing the link!

    NOW can you tell me what a “pre-trial diversion” is?

  7. Mark Bennett March 3, 2008 at 1:25 am - Reply

    gideon, I asked Dan Gerson, the originator of Reasonable Doubt; the show was started in ’99 by him and Adam Moskowitz before Adam moved off to Denver and started selling insurance.


    Pretrial diversion is a procedure by which a person accused of a crime can, with the government’s agreement, avoid further prosecution by completing certain probation-like conditions. It’s better than deferred adjudication because it is not a formal probation, and can therefore be expunged.

  8. TxGoodie March 3, 2008 at 2:41 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the definition. I’m thinking they’ve never used that term on Law and Order (smile) so it was new to me and that makes it the something new I learned today! Yea!

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