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 July 23, 2008 in 

I wrote last December about cover, and a problem that arose because the lawyer whom I had asked to cover for me hadn’t been diligent. Today I learned (H/T A Public Defender) that in L.A. there’s a lawyer, Steve Levy, who offers cover to other lawyers for pay.

I’ve read “The Lincoln Lawyer”, so I understand how in L.A. County, with its proliferation of criminal courthouses, lawyers might need cover more often than in a place like Houston, with one (at least until the next Biblical scourge is visited on 1201 Franklin Street). But every criminal-defense lawyer in Los Angeles would seem to be pretty much in the same boat as all of the others.

Is the Bank really so defunct in Los Angeles that lawyers can’t be counted on to cover for each other gratis?

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One Comment

  1. Rob Deters July 25, 2008 at 1:50 pm - Reply

    Mark –

    I went back to previous post about a cover attorney…my my am I jealous of a criminal defense system with ONE courthouse. There are six circuit courts in Cook County, five preliminary courthouses (in separate buildings), one domestic relations court (which handles criminal domestic abuse ONLY), not to mention the smattering of clients I get in Lake, Du Page, and Will Counties…of which only Will County has only one courthouse. I can literally drive over 100 miles in a day just making status dates. Lord. Must be nice!

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