

Blawg Review #325.3 [updated]

 Posted on November 03,2013 in Uncategorized

From April 11, 2005 (Evan Schaeffer's Blawg Review #1) to July 2, 2012 (Paul Kennedy's Blawg Review #324) "Ed.," the anonymous editor of Blawg Review, midwifed into existence a weekly (for the first six years, intermittent after that) "blog carnival," in which one law blogger or another, hosting on his or her blog, gathered interesting law blog posts from the previous week and connected them together in a post with a theme of the blogger's choice.

The blawgosphere learned this week that Ed had died of esophageal cancer.

Other long-time law bloggers have eulogized Ed:

  1. Robert Ambrogi;

  2. Scott Greenfield;

  3. Antonin Pribetic;

  4. Charon QC;

  5. Ron Coleman; and

  6. Colin Samuels.

Most of them were lucky enough to have met him. I never met Ed., but he and I communicated at length, discussing themes and content-especially music-when I hosted Blawg Review #317 (Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail), Blawg Review #284 (Janis Joplin), Blawg Review #282 (Constitution Day), and Blawg Review #199 (War on Drugs).

Blawg Review was a unifying factor during the golden age of legal blogging-through Blawg Review, criminal-defense blawgers (and their readers) were introduced to patent lawyers' blogs, business blawgers linked to family law blogs, American lawyers met British lawyers.

Blawg Review encouraged an ethic of linking-an ethic that seems to have deteriorated in the blawgosphere. People have been lamenting the death of the blawgosphere for years. So I think it meet that today, in memory of Ed., we take a look back, using the blogs that once hosted Blawg Review as a bellwether.

Here, in case the list ever disappears from, are the numbered editions of Blawg Review, along with their hosts.

  1. #1 Legal Underground

Evan Schaeffer hosted blawg review twice-#1 and #38. After experimenting with podcasts and writing a couple of books, he is still alive and kicking at Legal Underground, posting sporadically, mostly writing brief new posts and linking to old ones. He's posting about as often at The Trial Practice Tips Weblog, which since 2004 has been about as practical as the practical blawgosphere gets. Alive and kicking.

  1. #2 Likelihood of Confusion

Ron Coleman hosted BR#191, BR#242, and BR#280 as well. Likelihood of Confusion is still there-Ron posted a eulogy of Ed. this week. Like Schaffer, Coleman has slowed down; most of his new posts are reposts of his old work, "Republished by Blog Post Promoter," but he's alive and kicking nonetheless.

  1. #3 Appellate Law & Practice

Our first casualty. "S. Cotus" of the Appellate Law and Practice blog hung it up in 2008:

If you want someone to blame, blame 1) non-lawyers; 2) furries; and 3) the victims rights/tort reform industry.

It's still there, but it's dormant.

  1. #4 Law & Entrepreneurship

Law and Entrepreneurship didn't last long. After less than a year of blogging, Gordon Smith hung it up in 2005:

We had high hopes in the beginning, and we enjoyed the experiment. But our model was not sustainable. We might stage a comeback someday, but for now the site is dormant.

As the man says: dormant.

  1. #5 Conglomerate

Like BR#4, BR#5 was written by Gordon Smith, but at a different blog. Unlike Law & Entrepreneurship, Conglomerate, a group blog with Smith and five other authors, is still alive and kicking, with posts that are, frankly, over my head, such as "Developments in the Private Secondary Market."

  1. #6 South Carolina Trial Law

Dead, dead, dead. Lexblog dead. Could Kevin O'Keefe not be bothered to let the blog stay up as an archive? No, apparently not. O'Keefe is all about pimping blogs to lawyers, most of whom shouldn't be blogging. Dead.

  1. #7 Jeremy Richey's Blawg

Jeremy "is now the state's attorney for Moultrie County and is no longer able to take private clients." Until August 2012 Jeremy blogged at The East Central Illinois Criminal Law & DUI Weblog, where he wrote BR#198. Dormant.

  1. #8 Crime & Federalism

Mike raised my hopes for a resurgence of "everything I was ever told was a lie" blogging a couple of weeks ago with "Is Domestic Violence Against Men Funny and Cool? Tracie Egan Morrissey says, ‘Yes!'", but then he went dark again, and comments are closed. I call a blog dormant if there hasn't been a post in six months. Mike is just...resting.

(A blog, by the way, allows comments. The comments may be moderated, but if it doesn't allow comments, it's not a blog.)

  1. #9 JurisPundit

Dead, dead, dead. Oder: tot, tot, tot.

  1. #10

Possibly the worst blawg name ever. But Evan Brown is still alive and kicking, sporadically writing substantive posts about technology law. In his latest, How will we handle the legal issues of self-driving cars? Brown notes, "[I]t's much easier to ask the [legal] questions than to answer them....The legal and social issues will have to sort themselves out." Ain't that always the truth.

  1. #11 Al Nye The Lawyer Guy

Nye joined a blogless firm this year; his own blog lies dormant, which is what a blog should do when its authors are done with it. (Yeah, I'm lookin' at you, O'Keefe.)

  1. #12 Tech Law Advisor

Tech Law Advisor hosted BR #58 and BR#79 as well. The links are dead, the Blawg Reviews are lost to the ages, but here‘s Ed.'s preview of BR#12. Author Kevin J. Heller slowed down, then stopped writing in January 2012; mark this one dormant.

  1. #13 Thomas Jefferson's Blog

Dead. We have Ed.'s preview of BR#13, and the first sentence...

I have recently received the favors of the gentlemen of Blawg Review, requests fitting for my scholarship for my appraisal in the attention to legal matters discussed on this thing called the "blogosphere", on this national Independence Day.

...and nothing more.

  1. #14 Legal Commentary

Dormant since 2005.

  1. #15 Employment Blawg

We have Ed.'s preview, and The Asshole Lawyer's review, but we don't have BR#15. Someone else, a blog-for-profiter, picked up the domain name in 2011 and posted sixteen times before giving up when the expected untold wealth did not materialize. Dead.

  1. #16 Objective Justice

"Open to invited readers only." So it looks as if the author took it private. Dead or dormant.

  1. #17 Greatest American Lawyer

Dormant since March 2013. Also hosted BR#109.

  1. #18 The Common Scold

Still alive, but resting since May 2013.

  1. #19 Patent Baristas

BR#19 is cached here. Patent Baristas also hosted BR#77, BR#161, BR#224, BR#289, and BR#313.

"This site is temporarily unavailable" today but a little clever Googling reveals a post from October 15, 2013, Invention Talk: Patent Drawings (link to cached version), practical advice to inventors. I'm going to assume that the unavailability really is temporary and call Patent Baristas dormant.

  1. #20 The Mommy Blawg

"The intersection of mommyhood and the law" has been dormant since 2011. It also hosted BR#158.

  1. #21 My Shingle

[Fixed link.] Ed.'s preview is here. Carolyn Elefant, who also hosted BR#215, is still alive and kicking. In her latest, High Anxiety: The Reason Why Lawyers Are So Vulnerable To High-Pressure, Low-Return Marketing Scams, she writes:

By contrast, lawyers who succumb to the siren's song of first-page Google rankings and seven-figure practices are more than anything else (and as Scott Greenfield has long observed) simply desperate.Now, a recent Harvard Business School Study, described here corroborates that anxiety (a first-relation to desperation) does in fact make us particularly vulnerable to bad advice.

I've passed it on to the local criminal-defense bar in hopes that by seeing what makes them vulnerable they can become less vulnerable.

  1. #22 Blawg Wisdom

Blawg Wisdom, "Advice about law school from those who are in it," is dormant, mothballed in 2007:

It was a neat little thing for a couple of years, but it seems to have reached its own logical conclusion many moons ago.

Now it seems that blawgs about law school are all about the wrongs that have been done to those who got suckered into going to law school in a declining law market rather than Blawg Wisdom‘s advice to law students.

  1. #23 Preaching to Perverted

[Link fixed.] David Gulbransen also did BR#70, BR#122, BR#182, BR#270, BR#291, and BR#321; that last-in May 2012-was Dave Gulbransen's most recent post. Dormant.

  1. #24 Jaybeas Corpus


  1. #25 Ambivalent Imbroglio

Dormant since May 2006. Front page gone; only accessible by direct link or through the archives.

  1. #26 Inter Alia

Another broken link. Ed.'s preview is here. Tom Mighell's Inter Alia is dormant since March 2013.

  1. #27 Legal Blog Watch

LBW, which also hosted BR#197 and BR#259, has been resting since June 2013, when Laurel Newby linked to U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf's "Top ten legal writing hints when the audience is a cranky federal trial judge".

  1. #28 May it Please the Court

J. Craig Williams's May it Please the Court has been resting since June 2013. Williams also hosted BR#206.

  1. #29 Blawg Review

Ed. also hosted BR#59, BR#61, BR#80, BR#89, BR#100, BR#192, BR#200, BR#244, BR#283, and BR#300. It appears that today will be the beginning of Blawg Review's dormancy.

  1. #30 Bag and Baggage

Bag & Baggage also hosted BR#81. moved to new digs in 2009 and went dormant in January 2013.

  1. #31 IPTAblog

Andrew Raff's IPTAblog has been resting since August's Disrupt my TV, please. Raff also hosted BR#240-the greatest stretch between hosting stints, I think-and BR#269.

  1. #32 JAG Central

Preview here. Legal Blog Watch postview here. JAG Central is dead.

  1. #33 Overlawyered

[Link fixed.] Walter Olson (who also hosted BR#220) is still alive and kicking at Overlawyered, linking to my favorite story of the week (okay, my favorite story other than the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals' online-solicitation decision), as well as Security agencies vs. being made fun of, Kansas: state sues sperm donor for child support, and "An epidemic of lifestyle moralism".

  1. #34 Phosita

Phosita, the blog of Oklahoma City law firm Duncan Codding, is still alive and kicking, with Oklahoma City boosterism as recent as August.

  1. #35 Infamy or Praise

Colin Samuels was a longtime Blawg Review Sherpa, guiding hosts through the writing process, as well as the host of BR#86, BR#137, BR#189, and BR#241. Colin's Infamy or Praise was dormant until this week's eulogy to Ed., Farewell to Virgil's Virgil.

  1. #36 AutoMuse

Never heard of it. Link is dead. Dead. Preview here. Cached here. Also hosted BR#95.

  1. #37 The Wired GC

Resting since July 2013's Forget BigLaw; Watch BigClient:

The key takeaway for me: the best companies of the BigClient bunch are more focused than ever on costs. Even with a nascent signs of economic recovery. That mindset is a big reason why they became market leaders in the first place.Cutting costs during a Great Recession is hard, but it's almost a reflexive process. Controlling costs when not in urgent crisis-mode requires great management and even better employees.To meet this challenge, maybe "BetterLaw" is a more productive focus for lawyers and clients alike.

  1. #38 Legal Underground

See BR#1, above.

  1. #39 Adam Smith, Esq.

Even the cached version is infected with Cialis spam. Adam Smith, Esq. may not be dead, but he is certainly very, very sick.

  1. #40 Small Business Trends

Still alive, with posts such as Increase Your Website Credibility in the Age of Content Marketing and Six Unique Ways to Boost Web Traffic Without Marketing...just the sort of thing I'd read, if I read that sort of thing. Also hosted BR#126 and BR#177.

  1. #41 Jonathan B. Wilson

Dormant since August 2012.

  1. #42 Cyberlaw Central

Kevin Thompson at Cyberlaw Central also hosted BR#93, BR#144, BR#213, BR#256, BR#295, and BR#322. Cyberlaw Central is still alive and kicking, posting on October 23, 2013 about the new (non-english) top-level domains coming online.

  1. #43 Mediation News Online

Moved in 2008 to, which is dormant since July, 2010. Also hosted BR#94 and BR#181.

  1. #44 Health Care Law Blog

Dormant since April 2012. Also hosted BR#97.

  1. #45 Perfect Client Service

Moved to Still alive and kicking, with posts such as Some free advice to recent law grads:

5. Understand that you are not a good writer. Most young lawyers I speak with talk about how well they write and how good they would be trying cases. Trust me, you are not a good writer. At least you're not so much better than others I've seen that writing skills would drive that decision. When clients interview lawyers, quality is a given. You would not have made it the interview if the client didn't think you were good enough. Likewise, good writing is a necessary skill set, but it is not sufficient. Understand and embrace that idea. On the flip side, your interest in trying cases is great, but my mother wants to try cases. Tell me instead about what you've done to master the forum. And by that, I don't mean mock trials or other stuff in law school. How have you learned to think on your feet? To perform before an audience? To plot strategy like an elite senior military officer? And so on. There is a huge amount that goes into being a trial lawyer. Don't be so condescending as to think you've mastered it based on handling a moot court case.

  1. #46 De Novo

Dormant since 2008. Also hosted BR#138.

  1. #47 Unused and Unusable


  1. #48 Rethink(IP)

Dormant since 2007.

  1. #49 Law Practice Tips Blog

Alive and kicking. Thoughts on Fantasy Football and Lawyers:

The Planet Money feature "Cashing In On The Fantasy-Sports Economy" lists a number of businesses that have grown up around fantasy sports, from buying insurance against your star player being injured to an individual who will serve as a judge on whether a late season trade is fair or should be overturned. One company, LeagueSafe, holds the stakes during the season and now has eight employees.A lot of these new opportunities sound tailor-made for lawyers. We deal with equity and dispute resolution on a daily basis. If your league does become embroiled in litigation over prize money, would you rather have had a lawyer-arbitrator who made the contested decision or grocery store employee with several years of fantasy football experience? Most of these opportunities would arguably not generate what many lawyers would view as significant income. (The judge-for-hire featured in the story charges $14.95 for a ruling.)

Backup career opportunity!

  1. #50 Dark Goddess of Replevin

An early (2002) adapter, dormant since January 2011.

  1. #51 Declarations & Exclusions

Until today's Blawg Review #325.8, Declarations and Exclusions had been dormant since 2012's Blawg Review #315. George Wallace also hosted BR#102, BR#153, BR#205, BR#303, BR#304, and BR#316. Wallace also blogs at A Fool in the Forest, a personal blog, of late mostly about music; he hosted BR#315 there. Alive and kicking.

  1. #52 f/k/a

Dormant since March 1, 2009:

After almost 6 years, 2500 postings, and a million visits, f/k/a has stopped publishing new posts (and accepting new Comments) as of March 1, 2009. The content is all still here in our archives, of course....

See? "Of course." Dead blogs are not okay.

  1. #53 MauledAgain

Tax law prof James Edward Maule's blog is alive and kicking. In his Halloween post, "Some Scary Halloween Thoughts" he writes:

In the likely event that the dysfunctional governance syndrome isn't fixed by then, it would not be surprising to see the government, including the IRS, once again shut down. A shutdown at that point in time will create havoc far worse than what already has been foisted on the American people by a handful of sore losers.

In the long run, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

  1. #54 bk!

Dead and gone. Domain name belongs to someone else now.

  1. #55 Ben Cowgill's SoloBlawg

Dead. Site requires login credentials.

  1. #56 Point of Law

Alive and kicking. " is a web magazine sponsored by the Manhattan Institute that brings together information and opinion on the U.S. litigation system." Posts using words like "impactful" and lots of abbreviations.

I don't know how they bring themselves to keep blogging, with no commenters. They must be getting paid for it.

  1. #57 Lawyerlike

Dormant since April 2007:

Thanks to the people that read this site, and I know some friends suggested I keep it going. Frankly, I've simply run out of legal puns. I'll let you know if I post elsewhere in the future, but for now, case, uh, closed.

  1. #58 Tech Law Advisor

See BR#12, above.

  1. #59 Memorial Day Special

This one was at Blawg Review. See BR#29, above.

  1. #60 The Trademark Blog

Marty Schwimmer's Trademark Blog is alive and kicking with posts like FORT WORTH BRAHMAS v LONE STAR BRAHMAS:

No likelihood of confusion there, nossir.

Schwimmer also hosted BR#265.

  1. #60 Professor Kingsfield

By Ed. See BR#29, above.

  1. #61 Blonde Justice

Tough call: resting or alive and kicking? Since it's been more than a month since she reported on her interview with a new PD's Office, I'd call Blonde Justice resting, but I know that she keeps coming back, though not often enough for my reading pleasure. Alive and kicking.

  1. #62 New World Man

Dead. Redirects to another domain name.

  1. #63 The Airport Lawyer

[Link fixed.] Sheryl Sisk Schelin's The Airport Lawyer moved to WordPress, where it has been dormant since 2007.

  1. #64 H ow Appealing

[Fixed link.] Howard Bashman‘s thing is alive and kicking but I wouldn't call it a blog, more a microblog without comment space (which are a necessary part of a blog).

  1. #65 What About Clients?

Dan Hull hosted BR#145 and BR#318 as well. His What About Clients/Paris, proselytizing for perfect client service ("The client is the main event.") is still alive and kicking. In Goodbye, Old Friend he writes of Ed.:

"Ed. Post" (___-___), the anonymous editor of Blawg Review. Thank you. Rest in peace. And make it count, sir. I am sorry we quarreled so much.

  1. #66 External Insights

Australian David Jacobson's External Insights was the first non-US blog to host BR. It is Dead.

  1. #67 Antitrust Review

David Fischer's Antitrust Review has been dormant since February 2013. Fischer also hosted BR#149.

  1. #68 Jeremy Blachman's Weblog

Dormant since September 2013.

  1. #69 Unlearned Hand

Jason Samuel's Unlearned Hand has been dormant since 2007.

  1. #70 Preaching to Perverted

See BR#23, above.

  1. #71 QuizLaw

Dormant since 2010.

  1. #72 Ernie the Attorney

[Link fixed.] Ernie Svenson is still alive and kicking. In fact, he wrote a book on it: Blogging in One Hour for Lawyers. He writes in Legal ethics guru says social media may be harmful that blogs are tools:

So, here's my uninteresting question: do we really need a hastily composed blog post by a legal ethics expert to remind us that some people don't know how to use tools they're given? Is it news that thoughtless folk will create self-inflicted wounds by spewing blather into cyberspace? Obviously not.

  1. #73 Workplace Prof Blog

The group Workplace Prof Blog is alive and kicking; here's another blog with post after post showing no comments. How do they know people are reading? And if they don't know, how do they keep writing?

I know that I couldn't. I admire them for perservering in the face of what appears to be an utter lack of interest.

  1. #74 Global Security Law

Dead. Ed. commented on its disappearance in 2008, and linked to a cached copy, which isn't loading for me. If there ever was global security, there is none now.

  1. #75 Concurring Opinions

Alive and kicking. The lawprofs at Concurring Opinions have become cheerleaders for anti-free-speech revenge-porn-criminalization statutes, which real lawyers-you know, lawyers fighting and winning free-speech cases-find facially unconstitutional. Now they've got a conlaw prof on board as a guest blogger for the month; maybe Thomas Healy will tell us what he thinks of the proposed revenge-porn statutes.

  1. #76 David Maister's Blog

Maister also hosted BR#131. His blog has been dormant since Maister's farewell in 2010:

After traveling the world almost non-stop for these past three decades, my wife, Kathy and I are delighted to begin exploring our own home town of Boston. Already we have found lots of fabulous arts events and have joined classes and discussion groups together – although I will confess that it's a little strange being the class participant rather than the instructor! Together with playing lots of bridge, I am finding myself fully occupied.

Good for you, David.

  1. #77 Patent Baristas

See BR#19, above.

  1. #78 Human Law

Justin Patten's Human Law ("Law, Technology, and People) was Blawg Review's first UK-based host.

It is dead.

  1. #79 Tech Law Advisor

See BR#12, above.

  1. #80 Blawg Review

See #29, above.

  1. #81 Bag and Baggage

See #30, above.

  1. #82 Votelaw

Edward Still's blog "at the intersection of law and politics" is resting since July 23, 2013.

  1. #83 Election Law Blog

Rick Hasen's Election Law Blog is alive and kicking, but it's not a blog-it has no comment space.

What are people afraid of?

  1. #84 Transcending Gender

Jen Burke's Transcending Gender is dead.

  1. #85 Freedom to Differ

Peter Black's Freedom to Differ was the second Australian Blawg Review host. The blawg is resting, with nothing but Daily Twitter Links since August 2013. Black also hosted BR#136, BR#178, BR#196, BR#266, and BR#285.

  1. #86 Infamy or Praise

See #35, above.

  1. #87 Legal Literacy

Dead. BR#87 has blown away with the autumn leaves. Legal Literacy also hosted BR#139 and BR#176.

  1. #88 HealthBlawg

David Harlow's HealthBlawg is alive and kicking, and still hosting blog carnivals. HealthBlawg also hosted BR#129, BR#154, BR#211, and BR#268.

  1. #89 The Mummer's Veil

Another Ed. post. See BR#29, above.

  1. #90 Minor Wisdom

Raymond Ward keeps coming back out of retirement on his Minor Wisdom blog, most recently to post this video of MLK, Jr.:

  1. #91 Public Defender Stuff

Gideon's other blog. Alive and kicking with articles about the disrespect shown PDs.

Gideon has also hosted BR#143 at PDS; and BR#247 and BR#294 at A Public Defender, which is also alive and kicking:

Forget a sex offender registry. I want a dumb legislator registry. An independently maintained list of idiotic comments by our elected officials, so I know whom to avoid the next time I'm at the legislature.

  1. #92 Legal Andrew

Andrew Flusche's Legal Andrew has been resting since a May 7, 2013 guest post by Scott Morgan,

  1. #93 Cyberlaw Central

See BR#42, above.

  1. #94 Mediation Channel

See BR#43, above

  1. #95 AutoMuse

See BR#36, above.

  1. #96 SC Appellate Law Blog

Dormant since 2008, when William Watkins took a job with the US Attorney's Office:

Well, I have left private practice and have taken a job with the US Attorney's Office. In light of my career change, this blog is shutting down. Thanks to everyone who dropped by for the latest SC legal news.Merry Christmas.

  1. #97 Health Care Law Blog

See BR#44, above.

  1. #98 Legal Research & Writing

Dead. Or perhaps I should say, ???.

  1. #99 Begging To Differ


  1. #100 Blawg Review

See #29, above.

  1. #101 Divorce Law Journal

Diana L. Skaggs's Kentucky family-law blog is alive and kicking with summaries of Kentucky family law decisions.

  1. #102 Declarations & Exclusions

See BR#51, above.

  1. #103 E-Commerce Law

Jonathan D. Frieden's E-Commerce Law blog is alive and kicking, with a recent focus on employer social-media policies in posts such as 10 DOs and DON'Ts for Employer Social Media Policies. For example:

5. DON'T have a policy prohibiting employees from making disparaging remarks about the employer. The Board held that such a policy would have a chilling effect on employees in the exercise of their rights to discuss their terms and conditions of employment.6. DO have policy that prohibits employees from making defamatory statements on social media about the employer, customers, and vendors, and generally remind employees to be honest and accurate.

Frieden also hosted BR#140 and BR#167.

  1. #104 SC Employment Law

Seems like a really narrow field for a blog. This was Sheryl Schelin's blawg after The Airport Lawyer (BR#63, above). It's dead, and BR#104 is nowhere to be found.

  1. #105 Connie Crosby

Canadian law librarian Connie Crosby's eponymous blog has been resting since August 23, 2013.

  1. #106 Blawg IT

[Link fixed.] Brett Trout's Blawg IT changed domains to, and is resting, with a June 2013 post on The Right of Publicity. Trout also hosted Blawg Review #148.

  1. #107 Professor Kingsfield

This is Ed. again. See BR#29, above.

  1. #108 Legal Sanity

Arnie Herz's Legal Sanity blog is alive and kicking; last month he asked, Did Legal Sanity Inspire the US Government Shutdown?: "[A] cadre of highly experienced non-partisan mediators should be engaged by Congress to serve as intermediators between the various factions."

Sure, Arnie. A cadre of lawyers. That‘s the solution.

  1. #109 Enrico Schaefer

A/k/a "The Greatest American Lawyer." See BR#17, above.

  1. #110 Biker Law Blog

Norman Gregory Fernandez's Biker Law Blog is alive and kicking. In July he wrote in The Great Biker Rag Sex Debate:

I have always thought of the Biker world as a world of staunch Americanism, freedom, and open roads. It is alien to me to think of social prudes trying to intervene into a vibrant scene in order to censor our freedom.Any enemy of freedom, is an enemy to our nation, and the Biker and Motorcycle world.

Thong-wearing biker babes are freedom's canary in the coal mine.

  1. #111 Blawg's Blog


  1. #112 Justia

Alive and kicking, with general legal news, from California To Privatize Court Docketing Systems to Missouri Supreme Court Denies Survivor Benefits to Same-Sex Partner of Deceased Highway Patrol Officer to Docket for Unsealed Lavabit Filings.

  1. #113 Special Education Law

I think they mean special-education law. It's not a blog (no comment space), but it's resting, and might have been abandoned for Pinterest...which also is not a blog.

  1. #114 idealawg

Stephanie West Allen's idealawg is alive and kicking. She asks, on her front page,

Please do not contact me about writing a guest blog post. In the rare instance when I do have guest-written posts, I invite the writers. Thanks very much!

Is it that simple? If you ask, do they not contact you? I am doubt-filled.

West Allen blogs about the mind. In Who deserves the credit for that pretty sunset? Nature? Or did your prior knowledge color it? she writes:

If we do not know how much of what we see is coming from us and not from outside, perhaps that lack of knowledge should throw us into a place of intellectual humility. With the possibility of a high degree of subjectivity, could that humility lead to a greater and sharper degree of attention to (and mindfulness with) other people to see how they see the world? Particularly those with whom we do not agree?

  1. #115 Nearly Legal

[Link fixed.] UK group housing-law blog Nearly Legal is alive and kicking.

  1. #116 Corporate Blawg UK

Corporate Blawg UK has been dormant since hosting BR#116 in 2007.

  1. #117 Jamie Spencer

Austin Criminal-Defense Lawyer (I think he means criminal-defense rather than criminal defense) Jamie Spencer's blog has been dormant since November 2012. Spencer also hosted BR#175.

  1. #118 Blawgletter

Barry Barnett's commercial-litigation Blawgletter is alive and kicking. Barnett also hosted BR#201 and BR#229.

  1. #119 Above the Law

[Link fixed.] David Lat's Above the Law is most certainly alive and kicking. ATL also hosted BR#204.

  1. #120 Professor Kingsfield

This is Ed. again. See BR#29, above.

  1. #121 The Inspired Solo

Dead. Apparently inspiration is not perserverance. Who'd've guessed. The Inspired Solo also hosted BR#227.

  1. #122 David Gulbransen

See BR#23, above.

  1. #123 Texas Appellate Law

D. Todd Smith's Texas Employment Law blog is resting. His most recent post was about my law-school classmate Jeff Brown's appointment to the Texas Supreme Court. Smith also hosted BR#174.

  1. #124 Employment Blawg

George Lenard's Employment Blawg has been resting since April 2013.

  1. #125 Real Lawyers Have Blogs

Kevin O'Keefe's Real Lawyers Have Blogs is alive and kicking. Don't tell Kevin, but most lawyers shouldn't have blogs.

  1. #126 Small Business Trends

See BR#40, above

  1. #127 Deliberations

Anne Reed's Deliberations was adopted by the American Society of Trial Consultants when Reed went to work for the SPCA. It no longer allows comments (trial consultants, of all people, should be unafraid of disagreement), so does not qualify as a blog, but whatever it is is alive and kicking.

  1. #128 Lex Ferenda

Edinburgh law lecturer Dr. Daithi Mac Sithigh's Lex Ferenda is resting. It's not a blog though-it doesn't allow comments. Law professors ought to be unafraid of disagreement, but we don't really expect that, do we? Sithigh also hosted BR#151.

  1. #129 HealthBlawg

See BR#88, above.

  1. #130 Geoff Sharp

Wellington, New Zealand mediator Geoff Sharp stopped blogging in August 2009:

Life, dear reader, has got busy and the call of the keyboard is not what it was after 1016 posts. I have decided to pack it in.To some extent I feel this blog has achieved its aim of bringing the best of the ADR web to those who might not have otherwise sought it out. I leave you in the hands of many doing exactly that and better than I ever could.To my blogging buddies; my apologies for not consulting you on this but I didn't want you to talk me round.It's time for new projects and, for me, a time for family to pull together and look after our own.Never say never, but for the moment not much new will be posted here.We've had fun, you and me. Thanks for reading, I remain grateful that you took the time.

His mediator blah...blah... is dormant.

  1. #130 Diane Levin

This is Mediation Channel, née Online Guide to Mediation. See BR#43, above.

  1. #131 David Maister

See BR#76, above.

  1. #132 Home Office Lawyer

BR#132 is gone. What was once Grant Griffiths's Home Office Lawyer blawg is now a Kansas family-and-divorce lawyer blog. Dead.

  1. #133 Chicago IP Litigation

R. David Donoghue's Chicago IP Litigation blawg is alive and kicking, tracking Northern District of Illinois IP cases. Donoghue also hosted BR#173 and BR#277.

  1. #134 NY Personal Injury Law

Eric Turkewitz's New York Personal Injury Law blog is alive and kicking. When he isn't modeling or running marathons, Turk is discussing topics such as Can You Secretly Record the Medical-Legal Exam?

Turk also hosted BR#188 and BR#236.

  1. #135 Dr. Jillian Todd Weiss

Jillian Weiss's Transgender Workplace Diversity blog is dormant. Her most recent post, Title IX and Transgender Students, was published in April 2013.

  1. #136 Freedom to Differ

See BR#85, above.

  1. #137 Infamy or Praise

See BR#35, above.

  1. #138 de novo

See BR#46, above.

  1. #139 Legal Literacy

See BR#87, above.

  1. #140 E-Commerce Law

See BR#103, above.

  1. #141 Charon QC

Charon is alive and kicking, despite a nasty back injury. He joins this week's celebration of Ed. with 2013/11/blawg-review-325-11.

Charon also hosted BR#193, BR#193, BR#214, and BR#245.

It was through Blawg Review that I met the artistic, iconoclastic Charon, and I am the richer for it.

  1. #142 Build A Solo Practice

Susan Cartier Liebel's Build a Solo Practice has moved on to SPU (Solo Practice University), where it is alive and kicking. Cartier Liebel also hosted BR#194 and BR#232.

  1. #143 Public Defender Stuff

See BR#91, above.

  1. #144 Cyberlaw Central

See BR#42, above.

  1. #145 What About Clients?

See BR#65, above.

  1. #146 The Invent Blog

BR#146 can be found here. Stephen M. Nipper's The Invent Blog has been resting since June 2013.

  1. #147 Rush on Business

West Des Moines businee lawyer Rush Nigut's Rush on Business is alive and kicking. He contends that the Government Shutdown Teaches Lessons in Negotiation:

In my view there a couple of things you should remember in your next business negotiation. First, you need to leave some room for the other side to save face. This is true even if you have the upper hand and likely don't need to give in to the other side's demands.

Maybe some mediators could help with that.

  1. #148 Blawg IT

[Link fixed.] See BR#106, above.

  1. #149 Antitrust Review

See BR#67, above.

  1. #150 Trust Matters

[Link fixed.] Charles H. Greene's Trust Matters blog is alive and kicking. Trust Matters Also hosted BR#275.

  1. #151 Lex Ferenda

See BR#128, above.

  1. #152 TechnoLawyer Blog

Neil J. Squillante's TechnoLawyer Blog is alive and kicking...sorta. He's hustling a bunch of newsletters.

  1. #153 Declarations & Exclusions

See BR#51, above.

  1. #154 HealthBlawg

See BR#88, above.

  1. #155 California Blog of Appeal

California appellate lawyer Greg May's California Blog of Appeal is alive and kicking, with posts such as The secrets to using humor in the courtroom (his view: don't).

  1. #156 Virtually Blind

You will probably be shocked to learn that Benjamin Duranske's blog of "legal issues that impact virtual worlds" has been dormant since 2008.

  1. #157 Labour Law Blog

Canadian labo(u)r lawyer Michael Fitzgibbon's Labour Law Blog is still up and running. He'd be alive and kicking if it were an actual blog, allowing comments.

  1. #158 The Mommy Blawg

See BR#20, above.

  1. #159 Whistleblower Law Blog

Labovick Law Group's Whistleblower Law Blog is alive and kicking, but a little advertisey for my tastes, with a call to action in each post.

  1. #160 Ruthie's Law


  1. #161 Patent Baristas

See BR#19, above.

  1. #162 China Law Blog

Dan Harris's China Law Blog is alive and kicking. Apparently China is a great place to be an expat. Harris also hosted BR#210.

My new backup plan is to be a fantasy-football judge in China.

  1. #163 More Partner Income

Dead. LexisNexis dead, which is just as dead as LexBlog dead. Bones scattered, earth salted.

  1. #164

Eoin O'Dell's ("The Irish for Rights") is alive and kicking.

  1. #165


  1. #166 GeekLawyer

Dead. Geeklawyer also hosted BR#203.

  1. #167 E-Commerce Law

See BR#103, above.

  1. #168 W.VA Business Litigation

Another small niche. Jeffrey Mehalic's West Virginia Business Litigation blog has been dormant since 2011.

  1. #169 Whisper

I don't think Whisper was ever a blog; if it is, it's dead. #169 is hosted at Blawg Review.

  1. #170 Simple Justice

[Link fixed.] This was Scott Greenfield's first Blawg Review. Greenfield retired for a while, but we pulled him back in and he's alive and kicking. He also hosted BR#223.

  1. #171 The IP ADR Blog

BR#171 is not to be found, which is a shame because it was Victoria Pynchon's "Virgin" Blawg Review. The address resolves to, which has only been active since November 2012.

  1. #172 Ohio Employer's Law

John Hyman's Ohio Employer's Law Blog is alive and kicking, with posts such as How to avoid turning your costume party into an HR nightmare:

2. Be appropriate (number 2). If the name of your costume starts with "Slutty" or "Naughty" or some other similar adjective, pick another costume. Costumes like "Carlos Danger" (aka sexting Anthony Weiner), or anything else overtly sexual, are also really bad ideas.

  1. #173 Chicago IP Litigation

See BR#133, above.

  1. #174 Texas Appellate Law

See BR#123, above.

  1. #175 Austin DWI Lawyer

Austin DWI lawyer Jamie Spencer's other blog (see BR#117, above), also dormant since 2011.

  1. #176 Legal Literacy

See BR#87, above.

  1. #177 Small Business Trends

See BR#40, above.

  1. #178 Freedom to Differ

See BR#85, above.

  1. #179 Securing Innovation

Another LexBlog dead. Apparently when you stop paying O'Keefe, everything you've written gets roundfiled. If you want your hard work not to vanish when you get tired of paying to blog, use a domain name that you own, and use WordPress.

Also lost when Securing Innovation got memoryholed: BR#217, BR#276, and BR#311.

  1. #180 LawPundit

Andis Kaulins's LawPundit appears to be alive and kicking, but it looks like a lot of sports stuff (vs. law punditry), so I'm not sure how to classify it.

  1. #181 Mediation Channel

See BR#43, above.

  1. #182 David Gulbransen

See BR#23, above.

  1. #183 The UCL Practitioner

Kimberly A. Kralowec's The UCL Practitioner, on California's Unfair Competition Law, is alive and kicking.

  1. #184 The Faculty Lounge

This group blog on law, culture, and academia is alive and kicking. In Law School Applicant Pool Likely To Shrink Further Dan Filler notes that:

The possibility of yet another 10% dip suggests that most schools will have to make significant concessions in student quality, revenue, or both. What remains to be seen is how many schools will be able to gain additional funding – or radically restructure, how many will simply accept a nosedive in admissions predictors, and how many will simply conclude that the whole project is no longer worth the candle.

  1. #185 IP Think Tank

Duncan Bucknell's IP Think Tank has moved to Think IP Strategy. It's been resting since September 2013. Bucknell also hosted BR#222.

  1. #186 Res Ipsa Blog

Res Ipsa Blog is dead. The domain name has been taken over by a Dallas personal-injury lawyer who writes (or more likely pays someone to write) a shitty little advertising newsletter, labelling it "reviews."

  1. #187 LawyerCasting

Joshua Fruchter's LawyerCasting is alive and kicking. He discusses What Law Firms Can Learn from the Website Debacle:

One key design takeaway is to position key calls to action (CTAs) and persuasive, meaningful content above the fold when the homepage is viewed on a screen with a resolution of 1366×768 (the most popular at the moment). In the case of, the top of the screen was initially populated by a meaningless "hero" image that did not contain useful information about the account setup process.

  1. #188 NY Personal Injury Law

See BR#133, above.

  1. #189 Infamy or Praise

See #35, above.

  1. #190 The Legal Satyricon

Marc Randazza's Legal Satyricon has been resting since August 2013's Miley Cyrus:

If it bothered you, then go read a book or snort coke off an underage hooker's ass next year instead of watching that crap. At least it will be your experience – and not some junk-mind-food garbage.Miley isn't the problem.... bleating herds of devolving sub-humans who buy that shit are. So if you were watching, punch yourself in the face until some clarity enters your mind.

Randazza represented several of the bloggers on this page in connection with bumbling incompetent Joseph Rakofsky's lawfare against the Internet. I dare you to tell me you wouldn't want that on your side in a free-speech fight.

  1. #191 Likelihood of Confusion

See BR#2, above.

  1. #192 Blawg Review

See BR#29, above.

  1. #193 CharonQC

See BR#141, above.

  1. #194 Build a Solo Practice

See BR#142, above.

  1. #195 On Being A Black Lawyer

This may have been the first Blawg Review by a person of color. On Being a Black Lawyer is still alive and kicking.

  1. #196 Freedom to Differ

See BR#85, above.

  1. #197 Legal Blog Watch

See BR#27, above.

  1. #198

See BR#7, above.

  1. #199 Defending People

My first Blawg Review. Alive and kicking? You're soaking in it. I also hosted BR#282, BR#284 (that was some work) and BR#317.

  1. #200 Ed @ Blawg Review

See #29, above.

  1. #201 Blawgletter

See BR#118, above.

  1. #202 Head of Legal

Carl Gardner's Head of Legal is still alive and kicking.

  1. #203 GeekLawyer

See BR#166, above.

  1. #204 Above the Law

See BR#119, above.

  1. #205 Declarations & Exclusions

See BR#51, above.

  1. #206 May It Please the Court

See BR#28, above.

  1. #207 Law21

Jordan Furlong's Law21 is alive and kicking.

  1. #208 Green Patent Blog

Eric Lane's Green Patent Blog is alive and kicking. His Green Off-Patent Report (Powered by CleanTech PatentEdge) is interesting.

  1. #209 New York Injury Cases

John Hochfelder's New York Injury Cases blog is alive and kicking, with summaries of injury cases (and no calls to action).

  1. #210 China Law Blog

See BR#162, above.

  1. #211 HealthBlawg

See BR#88, above.

  1. #212 CreateProtect

DFW IP lawyer Tamera H. Bennett's CreateProtect is alive and kicking.

  1. #213 Cyberlaw Central

See BR#42, above.

  1. #214 Charon QC

See BR#141, above.

  1. #215 My Shingle

See #21, above.

  1. #216 Family Lore

English family lawyer John Bolch's Family Lore is alive and kicking. In The Ethics and Legality of the National Defibrillator Programme he writes:

Another question is whether it is ethical to place the responsibility of savings someone's life in the hands of ordinary members of the public.It could be argued that it is unfair to ask people who are not medical professionals to use an AED, or even judge when the use of such a machine is appropriate. After all, this also places a responsibility on a lay person of diagnosing cardiac arrest over, for example, a seizure.

It never would have occurred to me that making defibrillators available was anything but an unmitigated good.

  1. #217 Securing Innovation

See BR#179, above.

  1. #218 Adrian Dayton

Adrian Dayton's Marketing Strategy and the Law is alive and kicking in its goofy self-aggrandizing solipsistic way, with a stupid live associate taking up screen real estate and slowing the interface.

If Dayton were a lawyer, I'd mock him mercilessly.

  1. #219 Statements of Interest

[Link fixed.] Cathy Gellis's Statements of Interest is resting. Gellis also hosted BR#258.

  1. #220 Overlawyered

See BR#33, above.

  1. #221 The Complex Litigator

H. Scott Leviant's The Complex Litigator, "a California-centric collection of comments and resources about complex litigation and class action practice" is alive and kicking.

  1. #222 IP Think Tank

See BR#185, above.

  1. #223 Simple Justice

See BR#170, above.

  1. #224 BabyBarista

See BR#19, above.

  1. #225 Seattle Trademark Law

Michael Atkins's Seattle Trademark Lawyer blog is alive and kicking. He's been On Infringement Safari: Buenos Aires-a city I've long wanted to visit.

Backup to the backup plan: fantasy football judge in Buenos Aires.

  1. #226 Pink Tape

British family-law barrister Lucy Reed's Pink Tape is alive and kicking. Reed also hosted BR#290.

  1. #227 The Inspired Solo

See BR#121, above.

  1. #228 Law is Cool

Canadian law student (now lawyer, I assume) Omar Ha-Redeye's Law is Cool ("a blog and podcast addressing issues related to law school and the legal field with a Canadian focus") is alive and kicking.

  1. #229 Blawgletter

See BR#118, above.

  1. #230 Unsilent Partners

This was Mike Semple Piggot's (CharonQC) and Colin Samuels's (Infamy or Praise) joint Blawg Review, and the site's last post. So, dormant.

  1. #231 Legally Unbound


  1. #232 Solo Practice University

See BR#142, above.

  1. #233 Popehat

I'm surprised that Popehat only hosted Blawg Review once. Alive and kicking, of course.

  1. #234 Settle It Now

The fiercely intelligent and prolific Victoria Pynchon's Negotiation Law Blog is alive and kicking. with negotiation posts, often directed especially at women, for example In-House Women Attorneys Make 40% Less In Bonus Pay | What To Do About It. (Answer: negotiate. And maybe shake your money-makers. Wrong. So wrong.)

  1. #235 Counsel to Counsel

[Link fixed.] Marketing blog. Alive and kicking? Who the hell cares?

I take that back. Here's a gem in the dross: What Lawyers Put in their Bios vs. What Clients Look For.

  1. #236 NY Personal Injury Law

See BR#133, above.

  1. #237 The Property Law Blog

Dormant since December 2011.

  1. #238 Joel Rosenberg

Minnesota firearms instructor and sci-fi writer Joel Rosenberg, writing on Windy Pundit. We lost Joel too soon. I'm going to call it dormant.

  1. #239 Human Rights in Ireland

Group blog Human Rights in Ireland moved to, where it is alive and kicking.

  1. #240 IPTAblog

See BR#31, above.

  1. #241 Infamy or Praise

See #35, above.

  1. #242 Likelihood of Confusion

See BR#2, above.

  1. #243 Silverman Sherliker

The Silverman Sherliker blog is dormant, with no posts since February 2013.

  1. #244 Blawg Review Sampler

See BR#29, above.

  1. #245 CharonQC

See BR#141, above.

  1. #246 The Client Revolution

Jay Shepherd's Client Revolution is resting. Shepherd's last post was The 5 Ps of professional happiness in June 2013.

  1. #247 A Public Defender

See BR#91, above.

  1. #248 Scots Law Student

Dead. Someone has taken over the domain name to sell textbooks.

  1. #249

"Canada's Online Legal Magazine" is alive and kicking.

  1. #250 The Trial Warrior Blog

[Link corrected.] Antonin Pribetic is a really, really smart Canadian lawyer whom I probably wouldn't have met but for Ed. and Blawg Review. His Trial Warrior Blog is alive and kicking.

Pribetic also hosted BR#319.

  1. #251 Canadian Trademark

Larry Munn's Canadian Trademark blog is alive and kicking.

  1. #252 Law Firm Web Strategy

Law Firm Web Strategy, where Jordan Furlong (see BR#207, above) hosted BR#252, is alive and kicking. Here's an interesting challenge for you: Drafting a Practice Description For Your Website Using Only The 1,000 Most Common English Words.

Mine's easy: We help people when they are in big trouble.

  1. #253 South Florida Lawyers

Alive and kicking.

  1. #254 Sui Generis

Nicole Black's Sui Generis is alive and kicking. You can't comment (so it's not a blog, though it was when she hosted BR#254) but you can "reblog" Nicole's posts to reinforce her self-esteem.

  1. #255 Law Shucks

Subtitled "Life in and after BigLaw," Law Shucks has been dormant since May 2012's Wrapping Up Dewey. Did the BigLaw machine make them an offer they couldn't refuse, or just make them disappear? We may never know.

  1. #256 Cyberlaw Central

See BR#42, above.

  1. #257 Lance Godard

Lance Godard's Are You Writing This Down has been dormant since May 2011.

  1. #258 Statements of Interest

[Link fixed.] See BR#219, above.

  1. #259 Legal Blog Watch

See BR#27, above.

  1. #260 Genomics Law Report

Genomics Law Report is alive and kicking, though like most law profs its authors are commentphobic. They provide several methods to give them positive feedback, though, so that's nice.

  1. #261 IPKat

Group blog IPKat is alive and kicking.

  1. #262 Public Intellectual

Matthew Frederick's Public Intellectual is resting.

Getting frivolously sued and having to defend yourself does put a damper on the blogging.

  1. #263 She Negotiates

Dead, but if I recall correctly this was Victoria Pynchon (BR#234, above).

  1. #264 A Clatter of the Law

Irish solicitor Rossa McMahon's A Clatter of the Law is alive and kicking.

  1. #265 The Trademark Blog

See BR#59, above.

  1. #266 Freedom to Differ

See BR#85, above.

  1. #267 Spam Notes

Venkat Balasubramani's Spam Notes has been resting since July's The Problem With the Sharknado Reference ("five years from now, no one will know or recall what Sharknado was").

If we're lucky, the same will be true of 50 Shades of Grey and twerking.

  1. #268 HealthBlawg

See BR#88, above.

  1. #269

See BR#31, above.

  1. #270 Preaching to Perverted

See BR#23, above.

  1. #271 Lowering the Bar

Legal humor. Alive and kicking. Also appreciated Captain Justice Responds to Government's Motion to Ban the Word "Government".

  1. #272 Lawyerist

Group blog. Keith Lee, Sam Glover, others. Alive and kicking. Should You Allow Comments on Your Law Blog? It's not a blog if you don't. Legal Marketing: a Sucker's Bet? No kidding.

One of these days Keith is going to lift the embargo on reviews of his book. I can't tell you what I thought of it, but I can tell you that I didn't think it wasn't very good. I also didn't think that ABA had very good copy editors or that The Thinker was a marble sculpture.

  1. #273 ninetyfiveyears

Dormant since July 2011.

  1. #274 LoTempio Law Blog

Alive and kicking. Joe LoTempio wrote his own tribute to Ed.

  1. #275 Trust Matters

See BR#150, above.

  1. #276 Securing Innovation

See BR#179, above.

  1. #277 Chicago IP Litigation

See BR#133, above.

  1. #278 Law is Cool

See BR#, above.

  1. #279 Not Guilty

Mirriam Seddiq's Not Guilty, No Way is alive and kicking. Here's a bit from Truth and Consequences:

Now, lest you think I am saying if you are a do gooder good karma follows, I want to be clear. People don't always get what they deserve. There are some very good people who have bad shit happen to them through no fault of their own. The truth, though, is that generally isn't the case. I mean, it is the case for cancer (sometimes) or being mugged or raped or you know, bad shit like that, but other times it probably is sort of your fault and you probably sort of did something to assist in the consequences that follow.Most of us are not victims.

Seddiq also hosted BR#301.

  1. #280 Likelihood of Confusion

See BR#2, above.

  1. #281 An Associate's Mind

Birmingham, Alabama lawyer Keith Lee's An Associate's Mind is alive and kicking, and his book is available on Amazon (or will be shortly).

  1. #282 Defending People

See BR#199, above.

  1. #283 Ed @ Blawg Review

See #29, above.

  1. #284 Mark Bennett's Blog

See BR#199, above.

  1. #285 Freedom to Differ

See BR#85, above.

  1. #286 Piercie Shafton

This is an Ed. post at Blawg Review. See BR#29, above.

  1. #287 An Associate's Mind

See BR#281, above.

  1. #288 The Defense Rests

Houston criminal-defense lawyer Paul Kennedy's The Defense Rests is alive and kicking, with weighty substantive posts every day. I've long thought that Kennedy's blog doesn't get the attention it deserves.

Kennedy also hosted BR#293, BR#307, and BR#324.

  1. #289 Patent Baristas

See BR#19, above.

  1. #290 Pink Tape

See BR#, above.

  1. #291 Dave! Gulbransen

See BR#23, above.

  1. #292 Charon QC

See BR#141, above.

  1. #293 The Defense Rests

See BR#288, above.

  1. #294 a public defender

See Br#91, above.

  1. #295 Cyberlaw Central

See BR#42, above.

  1. #296 Koehler Law

Jamison Koehler's Koehler Law is alive and kicking. I've been meaning to write something about Why The Truth Doesn't Matter At Trial. The truth does matter at trial; it's the facts that are irrelevant.Koehler also hosted BR#316.

  1. #297 Big Legal Brain

Resting since May 3, 2013. Big Legal Brain was (is?) a clever parody blawg with posts such as When to Twerk in Court: "Generally, ask permission of the court, which should be freely granted under the rules. If you are unable to approach the bench to twerk, make sure you have sufficient space around counsel table for twerking."

  1. #298 My Law License

Brian Tannebaum's My Law License is resting since June 2013's California Lawyer Christopher J. McCann's "Guest Post."

  1. #299 Work Product

Jennifer Lubinski's Work Product ("Law, Literature & Laxism") is resting.

  1. #300 Blawg Review Award

See #29, above.

  1. #301 Not Guilty

See BR#279, above.

  1. #302 pls clarify

Dead. Is that clear enough?

  1. #303 Ed@blawgreview

See #29, above.

  1. #304 Decs&Excs

See BR#51, above.

  1. #305 a fool in the forest

See BR#51, above.

  1. #306 Sixth Anniversary

A Blawg Review Blawg Review. See BR#29, above.

  1. #307 The Defense Rests

See BR#288, above.

  1. #308 An Associate's Mind

See BR#, above.

  1. #310 Siouxsie Law

Dormant since May 2013.

  1. #311 Securing Innovation

See BR#179, above.

  1. #312 Mandela Day

On Blawg Review. See BR#29, above.

  1. #313 Patent Baristas

See BR#19, above.

  1. #314 ABA Journal

The ABA Journal is, of course, alive and kicking.

  1. #315 Prequel ~April Fools Day

George Wallace's A Fool in the Forest. See BR#51, above.

  1. #315 Decs&Excs

See BR#51, above.

  1. #316 Koehler Law

See BR#296, above.

  1. #317 Defending People

See BR#199, above.

  1. #318 What About Paris?

See BR#65, above.

  1. #319 The Trial Warrior

See BR#250, above.

  1. #320 Amicae Curiae

  2. "Girlfriends of the Court" Amicae Curiae appears to be resting. It's not clear to me from the layout, but the most recent post seems to be the September 2013 It's more than the vibe; blogging the Constitution.

  3. #321 Dave!

See BR#23, above.

  1. #322 Cyberlaw Central

See BR#42, above.

  1. #323 Wrongful Convictions

Fearless (he allows comments!!!) lawprof Mark Godsey's Wrongful Convictions blog is alive and kicking.

  1. #324 The Defense Rests

See BR#288, above.

And that brings us to Blawg Review #325, of which this is but part three of eleven.

There were two rules for writing a Blawg Review. The first was that each Blawg Review was to be entitled "Blawg Review #_". As you can see, this one is #325.3. The second rule was this: each Blawg Review was to end:

Blawg Review has information about next week's host, and instructions how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.

There will be no "next week's host."

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,Silence the pianos and with muffled drumBring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Rest in peace, Ed. You did good.

Antonin Pribetic puts his own spin on this, the final Blawg Review, in his Blawg Review #325.4 at The Trial Lawyer.

[I have updated this post to fix some broken links; where I found a better link than the one that was in the Blawg Review list I have replaced the Blawg Review link; where the Blawg Review cannot be found I deleted the Blawg Review link.]

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