

Compendium of Rakofsky (and Borzouye) v. Internet Blog Posts

 Posted on May 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

For your enlightenment and amusement:

(More as I find them, or in the pingbacks.)

  1. How Young Lawyers Should NOT Conduct Themselves Online « An...

  2. Feeling Left Out – The Criminal Lawyer – Commentary on Law and Policy

  3. Simple Justice: Rakofsky v. Internet*

  4. MyShingle's Been Sued in Rakofsky v. – My Shingle

  5. This Is Not A Post About Joseph Rakofsky « Work Product

  6. Resuscitating the Joseph Rakofsky Fiasco | Koehler Law

  7. The Rakofsky 74 « Military Underdog

  8. Infamy or Praise: TGIS: Thank God It's Schadenfreude! (319)

  9. Source 4 Politics: "Incompetent" Rakofsky Sues Everyone for Defamation

  10. Rive Gauche: Chef Charon at The Staterooms... eating Boeuf Buggerorf...

  11. South Florida Lawyers: SFL Friday - I Like Exactly HALF This Picture!

  12. To My Fellow " Rakofsky 74'ers": I Salute You « THE TRIAL WARRIOR BLOG

  13. Rakofsky Tries to Muzzle the Blawgosphere – Avvo Blog

  14. My Law License: Joseph Rakofsky's Second Futile Race To The Courthouse

  15. Digging Deeper and Deeper – & Trivial Update

  16. The Rakofsky Standard | David Sugerman

  17. From the Complaints Desk [For Those About to Rakofsky (We Salute You)]

  18. Defending People » The Rakofsky v. Internet Lawsuit(s)

  19. Attorney Credits Legal Blog

  20. Simple Justice: Rakofsky v. Internet, Part Deux (A Juror Verdict)

  21. Al Gore to Intervene in Rakofsky v. Internet Case

  22. The Rakofsky Strikes Back...

  23. Scumbag Lawyers v. Me (and the Rest of the Internet) (with video)

  24. 10999

  25. Please Don't Say Mean Things About Me! | THE CUBAN REVOLUTION

  26. bummed « Capital Defense Weekly

  27. Restoring Dignity to the Law: An Open Letter to Joseph Rakofsky Re...

  28. An Open Letter to Joseph Rakofsky Re: Rakofsky v. the Internet

  29. The Silence Of The Lambs

  30. Judge Allows Green Lawyer to Withdraw In the Middle of Murder...

  31. Making a Mockery – The Criminal Lawyer – Commentary on Law and Policy

  32. Joseph Rakofsky: Both an Idiot and a Symptom

  33. The Streisand Effect, or: What Joseph Rakofsky's Been Up To Lately...

  34. The Rakofsky Effect

  35. Not Guilty: Chiming In

  36. The Rakofsky [x + 1 ]

  37. Rakofsky v. Internet And A Dose Of IIED

  38. Rakofsky Against the Internet: The Movie

  39. Legal rebuttal: "vade et caca in pilleum et ipse traheatur super aures tuo" (BoingBoing)


  41. Attorney sues many legal bloggers, ABA, Washington Post...

  42. Rakofsky Bad. Defendant Lawyers, 4th Estate & 1st Amendment Good. »

  43. Weekend Update: Rakofsky v. Internet Week 2 »

  44. Rakofsky Against the Internet, Trailer 2

  45. Standing With My Fellow Legal Bloggers Against an Attempt to Chill Speech

  46. Rakofsky suing the internet: Career suicide

  47. Railing Against Rakofsky | RHDefense: The Law Office of Rick Horowitz

  48. Why have not more lawyer bloggers commented on the Rakosfy debacle? | Between a Laugh and a Tear

  49. Blawg Review #310 « Siouxsie Law

  50. (For lulz, and against my better judgment but nofollowed) Attorney's Procedure Results in Mistrial | Palmieri Law – Attorney...

  51. Techdirt:Recent Law School Grad Gets Berated By Judge, Then Sues Nearly Everyone Who Discussed The Case

  52. A Georgia Lawyer: Rakofsky v. The Internet?

  53. Tweet Your Way To $$$!!! « An Associate's Mind

  54. My Law License: Meet Richard Borzouye, of Hartt Borzouye? Joseph...

  55. Rakofsky versus the Internet – Anna Raccoon

  56. Jospeh Rakofsky, Through Richard Borzouye, Sues The Internet For...

  57. New Business Plan | People v. State

  58. off-topic: not everything on the net is necessarily true, not...

  59. Law is funny, innit? « Amicae Curiae

  60. A Georgia Lawyer: Rakofsky v. The Internet?

  61. A Lack of Mentoring, or Lack of Awareness? – Avvo Blog

  62. Bayou Renaissance Man: An acute case of dontopedalogy!

  63. My Law License: The Oprah Effect: It Wasn't Joseph Rakofsky's Fault

  64. Hey, Who Would Win If Superman, Batman, And Spiderman Fought Ziggy...

  65. Rakofsky v. Internet (First Motion) – New York Personal Injury Law...

  66. Crime & Federalism: A Trial Court Weighs in on Joseph Rakofsky's...

  67. The Rakofsky Transcript: Cost = $1400; Value = Priceless « THE...

  68. Declarations and Exclusions: Weekend Update: Rakofsky v. Internet...

  69. My Law License: Rakofsky v. Internet, The Defense Responds

  70. Defending People » Was Joseph Rakofsky Ineffective?

  71. Did Richard Borzouye and Joseph Rakofsky Commit Fraud in a Court Filing?

  72. Today's major LOL brought to you by the epic story of a lawyer suing the Internets

  73. Practice Tips, Courtesy of Rakofsky v. The Internet – – My Shingle

  74. Rakofsky (First Motion to Dismiss) – New York Personal Injury Law Blog

  75. Oh my goodness, we've allegedly been sued!

  76. Slashdot: The Ongoing Case of Rakofsky vs. Internet

  77. Weekend Update: Rakofsky v. Internet Week 5 »

  78. Crime & Federalism: Richard Borzouye is an Incompetent Lawyer

  79. Day 27: L'Affair Rakofsky

  80. Rakofsky (Motions to Dismiss by Seddiq and Koehler) – New York...

  81. The Atlantic Wire: Meet the Lawyer Who Sued the Internet

  82. The SLAPP-Happy Story of Rakofsky v. Internet

  83. Citizen Media Law Project: Rakofsky v. Internet

  84. A Georgia Lawyer: Friday's Distraction: Rakofsky vs. the Internet

  85. I'm Hiring This Lawyer To Handle All My...

  86. Rakofsky v. The Washington Post: Being on the Other End of the... [Warning: privilege waiver.]

  87. Joseph Rakofsky Continues SLAPP Suit, Richard Borzouye Retreats...

  88. Recovering Lawyer: The Rakofsky Matter

  89. Crime and Federalism: Richard Borzouye Abandons His Clients

  90. Rakofsky Motion #7 – Doudna Moves to Dismiss and for Sanctions...

  91. Crime & Federalism: Rakofsky Tries Settling Frivolous Lawsuit for...

  92. Infamy or Praise: A Round Tuit (60)

  93. Did I ever mention I've been sued?

  94. Did Rakofsky go looking for a new lawyer on Craigslist? | Absurd...

  95. Simple Justice: Doudna Takes a Magic Bullet

  96. Crime and Federalism: Has Joseph Rakofsky Become a Self-Parody?

  97. Declarations and Exclusions: Weekend Update: Rakofsky v. Internet...

  98. ten things I'll never do when I'm a lawyer | law school ninja

  99. Dan Hull: Beta of the Month | Crime and Federalism

  100. This week in unusual litigation (R v. I update)

  101. An essential read on social networking for lawyers [Somewhat drecksome.]

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