Posted on
July 20, 2016 in
I did not write the following post. Scott Greenfield wrote it and posted it to Simple Justice in 2013. Carl David Ceder has filed what appears to be a fraudulent DMCA takedown letter regarding it (because Scott used Carl's JC Penney portrait as an illustration). On the chance that the takedown succeeds for a moment, I bring you Scott Greenfield's … Carl David Ceder Learns The 12 Rules of The Blawgosphere
Posted on
July 20, 2016 in
From Popehat (h/t Scott Greenfield): It is currently fashionable for defense attorneys to say "clients lie" and "most clients are guilty." I wouldn't agree with either proposition. Everybody lies; I don't think clients lie more than anyone else in terrifying and stressful circumstances. Humans tend to remember a version of events that puts them in the best light, something we normally regard as a mere venal sin.
Posted on
July 17, 2016 in
From here: Eugene Volokh, a professor at UCLA School of Law, told Vocativ in an email that he is “not a fan of most privacy-based speech restrictions,” but said “this law seems quite narrow, and pretty clearly defined.” Seems. There is no "seem" to it. The law says what it says. There is nothing more to it than this. Either you have read it and thought about it and
Posted on
July 15, 2016 in
I'm going to be messing around with Google Hangouts. If you'd like to join in, haz clic aquí. Does the embed work? It appears to be about 20 seconds behind. (If I'm not in, holler. I'm probably nearby. Otherwise check back later.)
Posted on
July 14, 2016 in
Lest you believe I think Harris Prosecutors have a monopoly on bad behavior, check out the full video, then come back. Or here's the money shot: Kerry is my client. Paul (on the other side of Kerry from me) is one of Kerry's former lawyers. Buck is the lawyer for Jim, who lied for 39 years (including in three trials) about his relationship with Linda Jo, the victim. He also
Posted on
July 14, 2016 in
Via scribd: (a) IN GENERAL.—Whoever knowingly uses the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to distribute a visual depiction of a person who is identifiable from the image itself or information displayed in connection with the image and who is engaging in sexually explicit conduct, or of the naked genitals or post-pubescent
Posted on
July 14, 2016 in
A couple of days ago in felony court a guy who was supposed to go into custody decided that he didn't want to go. The bailiff and the process server (both Harris County Sheriff's Deputies) wrestled him to the ground. While they were having some difficulty subduing him, someone (the court coordinator, I think — I was focused on the wrestling match) came up to the two prosecutors who were
Posted on
June 14, 2016 in
I teach the Constitution for a living. I revere the document when it is used to further social justice and make our country a more inclusive one. I admire the Founders for establishing a representative democracy that has survived for over two centuries. But sometimes we just have to acknowledge that the Founders and the Constitution are wrong. This is one of those times. We need to
Posted on
June 13, 2016 in
"Rob" commented: An investment banker closing a factory that has been a small town’s economic lifeblood and shipping those jobs off to Indonesia is creating value for the shareholders, and thus doing what is ethical and appropriate within the context of how he chooses to make his living. It’s choosing to make his living this way which makes him an asshole. A CIA operative who waterboards a
Posted on
June 8, 2016 in
When someone writing for a popular website says: Before I was a journalist full-time, I was a lawyer. I didn't do criminal defense work, but I am the daughter of a public defender, and the friend, former classmate, and former colleague of dozens of defense lawyers. I'm not a religious person, but if there is anything I believe is the Lord's work, it is criminal defense, especially