Posted on
January 24, 2013 in
(Via Liberally Lean From The Land of Dairy Queen.)
Posted on
January 24, 2013 in
This came in today: Hello to all, This is an announcement regarding ASA Peter A. Barone. On January 7, 2013 Peter A. Barone finished his final defense for his Ph.D. and was officially announced as Dr. Peter A. Barone. Dr. Barone spent 5+ years obtaining his degree and would like to request that during formal court proceedings that you please refer to him by his proper
Posted on
January 24, 2013 in
Two things: First, Texas's "improper photography" law, in our witless legislature made it a felony to broadcast or transmit a visual image of a person without that person's consent and with the intent to arouse or gratify anyone's sexual desire. So if you have a Republican friend who you think will be sexually excited by this… …and you email it to him, you've just committed a felony.
Posted on
January 23, 2013 in
I want to see Zero Dark Thirty, but I won't pay to see it.
Posted on
January 23, 2013 in
Scott Greenfield emailed me to ask if I enjoyed the exchange with personal-sovereignty proponent Bernard Weckmann (EDITH's husband) here. In fact I do. Weckmann is monomaniacal and essentially delusional—he thinks that the Australian Government formed a corporation called BERNARD WECKMANN when he was born, and that any document referring to him in uppercase letters refers to this corporation, so that if the government files papers with his name
Posted on
January 22, 2013 in
Insurance companies sell this stuff called "disability insurance." The bookies at the insurance company will make a bet with you: that you will not become disabled. If they win and you don't become disabled, you lose the money you've paid them. If you win, they pay you a monthly stipend whilst you are disabled. Insurance-company bookies know odds. For them, financially, disability insurance is a good bet.
Posted on
January 21, 2013 in
An annual tradition at Defending People, more important this year because King's name will undoubtedly be invoked today by the President, who has spent the last four years sending the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners to kill the sons of goatherds and poppy farmers and die in the desert mountains of Afghanistan. The text: I am happy to join with
Posted on
January 20, 2013 in
The TSA will remove all 174 backscatter scanners from the 30 airports they're used in now. Another 76 are in storage. It has 669 of the millimeter wave machines it is keeping, plus options for 60 more, TSA spokesman David Castelveter said. Not all of the machines will be replaced. Castelveter said that some airports that now have backscatter scanners will go back to having metal detectors.
Posted on
January 19, 2013 in
I had marked, in Google Reader, this Simple Justice post about a guy in Utah who was involuntarily catheterized by nurses at Sanpete County Hospital on orders of the police. Catheterizing someone may be worse than what Emmette Flynn did on government orders, proctoscoping an unwilling patient. An ignorant doctor might think that retrieving crack cocaine from the patient's rectum was medically beneficial, despite the fact that crack
Posted on
January 19, 2013 in
Judge says … baby pooped on (Reeves) - if he threw a dog off the bed because the dog peed on bed what would he do if baby pooped on him? This is the content of a note that Polk County, Texas investigator David Wells says prosecutor Kayce Jones (who was observing) passed to prosecutor Beverly Armstrong (who was trying the case) during the trial of a