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 November 29, 2015 in 

The article is offered by as a “one-stop 101” for those “not sure what people mean by triggering.” So while this may look like a weak-man argument, it is not.

In the motte and bailey of triggering, the motte is people with actual post-traumatic stress disorder, the symptoms of which are triggered by some event. These people hate their disease, and seek help.The bailey is people who think having a psychological disorder is cool and dramatic, and demand that the rest of the world moderate their speech and conduct to avoid “triggering” some bad feeling:

Triggering occurs when any certain something (a “trigger”) causes a negative emotional response.

The emotional response can be fear, sadness, panic, flashbacks, and pain, as well as any physical symptoms associated with these emotions (shaking, loss of appetite, fainting, fatigue, and so on).

In the bailey of triggering, anything that causes a negative emotional response is a trigger. Words make you sad? Trigger! Something frightens you? Trigger! Someone makes you angry? Trigger! ((Grinder and Bandler would call the language “semantically ill-formed” in that the speaker acts as if she has no choice in her emotional response to the trigger. They discuss the topic in Part III of The Structure of Magic II, which won’t do you much good until you’ve read The Structure of Magic, Vol. I. Fortunately, Christmas break is coming, so you’ll have time to read both.))

“Triggering” is a concept ripped from post-traumatic stress disorder. But as it is used by Gillian Brown, it has nothing to do with trauma:

Sometimes, it happens through fears and phobias unrelated to trauma.

And sometimes, it happens for no reason at all.

Regardless of how somebody has become susceptible, being triggered can be just as severe and horrible for anyone.

No it can’t, you utterly horrid person. Having “negative emotions” “for no reason at all” is nothing like reexperiencing trauma in a crippling way. Using the same word to describe triggering of post-traumatic stress disorder and triggering “for no reason at all” trivializes the former. I won’t do it. I’ll describe Gillian Brown’s notion of triggering as “friggering.”

It’s not that I’ve chosen to attack the social importance of friggering by giving as an example the most laughable example I could think of; rather, has chosen to defend the social importance of friggering by giving a more laughable example than even I could think of.

I developed health anxiety, and whenever I’m exposed to things relating to death and certain illnesses, I suddenly and quite dramatically feel all-encompassing panic spread through my entire body.

Sometimes, it goes away in seconds; at other times, it lingers for weeks, making it difficult to function normally until my mind reaches equilibrium again.

“Health anxiety.” Imagine that. I find that my health anxiety goes away when I’m eating better and exercising. That wouldn’t fit “fat activist” Gillian Brown’s politics, I realize; better to be politically correct and “dramatic” than to make incremental changes to improve her health.

Emotionally healthy people know that negative emotions are part of life. Growth comes from experiencing negative emotions. Avoiding negative emotions (as, for example, by avoiding friggers or by smoking lots of weed) keeps people from growing up.

To give a personal example, I am often triggered when I see books by Terry Pratchett. I have been told that his books are fantastic, but I cannot bring myself to read any of them because Pratchett now suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.

I have mentioned this particular trigger to friends and family before and have been met with surprise, disbelief, and remarks on how silly I’m being.

As you might imagine, such remarks are not helpful.

No, of course not, because Gillian Brown isn’t interested in real help, which would require admitting that she has a problem. Mental illness should not be stigmatized, but nor should it be normalized as Gillian Brown seeks to normalize it. I doubt that she is actually friggered by Terry Pratchett books, but if she is, she ought to be seeking mental-health care.

I get phone calls occasionally from people suffering from psychosis: the government has implanted radio transmitters in their teeth, and is posting their innermost thoughts on the sides of trucks. I advise them to get psychological help; I suspect that they would say, “as you might imagine, such remarks are not helpful.” Their loved ones didn’t get them the help they needed when they might have been receptive to it, and now their disease has taken over, and will not allow them to seek treatment.

Gillian Brown will not take responsibility for her own mental health; instead she has suggestions to “reduce the risk of” friggering:

1. Learn What the Person’s Triggers Are

2. Be a ‘Tester’

3. Look Things Up in Advance

In other words, enable.

If Gillian Brown really feels anxiety that makes it difficult to function at “things related to death and certain illnesses,” help is available. She feels such anxiety and is not in treatment, or she doesn’t feel such anxiety but pretends to. Either way, she loves the idea of being friggered more than being living a healthy life.

Gillian Brown also has suggestions if somebody has been friggered:

1. Let Them Know That They Can Contact You

2. Be Physically Close to Them

3. Distract and/or Comfort Them

4. Don’t Be Judgmental

5. Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Make a Mistake

In other words, play along and reward their bad behavior by giving them the normal attention and affection they crave. This bit makes me suspect Gillian Brown’s family life: she’s describing how people treat people they care about. Is it that she has to act friggered to get this kind of attention?

Gillian Brown gives us a peek at her family life:

I remember that once, my dad bought me a beautiful framed painting from a shop in France, inspired by my having previously seen similar paintings and saying I liked them.

Unfortunately, this particular painting had gravestones on it, which triggered me.

I told Dad this, and he said something along the lines of “I’m so, so sorry.”

I felt like the worst daughter ever for making my father feel bad when he had done something so nice for me.

If you ever find that you have caused triggering-related grief, please don’t beat yourself up over it. These incidents happen sometimes, and they cannot always be avoided.

I would instead suggest finding out whether there is anything you can do to help the person feel better, as that would be a far more productive use of both your time and theirs.

So daughter tells dad (truthfully or not) that he has inadvertently hurt her feelings, and he says, “I’m so, so sorry,” and this is… the wrong thing to do because it makes her feel bad about making him feel bad about making her feel bad.

It is generally recognized by people who aren’t batshit drama queens that “I’m so, so sorry” is intended to make its recipient feel better emotionally. It is a social shortcut, designed to cut out all of the drama between “You screwed up” and “I forgive you.” But Gillian Brown doesn’t want to cut out all of the drama. She lives for the drama. So when her dad apologizes for accidentally hurting her, she wants more; she blames him for making her feel bad about making him feel bad about making her feel bad.

No, Gillian. You definitely aren’t the worst daughter ever, but you’ve been a pretty shitty daughter.

And yes, Gillian, you should feel “guilty and pathetic” about ripping off an actual therapeutic concept from people who need it and adopting it for your own narcissistic purposes.

Gillian, I have compassion for you on a level beyond your manipulative claims of friggering; you may not know it yet, and you obviously aren’t listening to those who love you, so you won’t listen to me either, but your article is a cry for help. You are suffering not from friggering, but rather from your choice to be (or more likely to pretend to be) friggered.

Some day, Gillian, you will die. Until then, it’s a BBW—a big beautiful world—full of magic and joy, and you are choosing to spend it in a bubble of your own creation, avoiding streetwise wizards and oil paintings of tombstones.

Get help.

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  1. Marc Whipple November 29, 2015 at 8:48 pm - Reply

    If what were happening were what is claimed is happening, I would quit law and go into hypnotherapy full time because hypnotherapy is amazingly helpful to people with PTSD, particularly if it is of the indirect nature which seems to be so common. Given the number of people with frigger issues, I would soon be wealthy beyond dreams of avarice.

    Alas, hypnotherapy, like most therapies, is entirely ineffective with people who do not wish to be helped, especially if they are experiencing secondary gains from their issues. :( Guess I’ll stay with law.

    • Mark Bennett November 30, 2015 at 8:38 am - Reply

      When neurosis is cool, there’s no money in therapy.

  2. CJD November 30, 2015 at 8:21 am - Reply

    Damn you MB, just when I thought I was done reading books about how humans work, I just spent the last 20 minutes reading The Structure of Magic, Vol. 1 – and now I am going to have to read the whole thing. It appears to be available as a PDF to download for free, for those interested (You will have to find it on your own, as I am not going to provide a link since I do not know if the authors approve of it being distributed for free.)

    On topic, yeah Gillian is batshit crazy, maybe we should make a “safe zone” for her so that none of her friggers can get to her.

    • Mark Bennett November 30, 2015 at 8:38 am - Reply

      My guess is that the authors, who are still selling their books, would prefer that you bought them.

  3. Paula Wright November 30, 2015 at 9:18 am - Reply

    It’s apt that in the UK the word “frigger” is synonymous with fu*ker”. I’ll be using frigger warnings a lot!

  4. mmmwright December 1, 2015 at 5:59 pm - Reply

    Terry Pratchatt died recently – is she allowed to read his books now? Or is she only allowed to read living authors?

    • Mark Bennett December 1, 2015 at 10:20 pm - Reply

      My guess was that she can only read books by healthy authors.

      • Marc Whipple December 2, 2015 at 9:58 am - Reply

        It would be cruel to point out to her that reading a book by a dead author is associating with death.

        Hilarious, but cruel. It would certainly make the remainder of her academic career interesting.

  5. Wolfear December 3, 2015 at 12:14 am - Reply

    For some reason I kept having a phrase run through my head while reading this.
    “Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.” – Lewis Carroll
    I think she needs to hang out with the caterpillar more. Might mellow her out.
    Or would frigger warnings be needed before she was allowed to read about Alice?
    That whole “eat me and be small” thing might cause some health anxiety.

  6. Mariann Bacharach December 26, 2015 at 5:03 pm - Reply

    Me too! Reminds me of Jerzy Kosinskyi.

  7. Fred Simpson December 29, 2015 at 11:31 pm - Reply

    Shouldn’t the word “trigger” make her think of gun violence deaths? How could she then describe her drama without again referring to the source of the drama? She should adopt your word just to avoid getting into an infinite loop.

    “Dad, that painting was a trigger that GAH! That word was a trigger GAH! That word was a trigger GAH…!”

  8. Billikin February 4, 2016 at 11:29 am - Reply

    Ms. Brown admits to having a health anxiety. As she describes it, it sounds like she gets panic attacks. That does not make her batshit crazy, but it is not something that responds to exercise. She does not mention getting psychotherapy for her anxiety, but it would probably help.

    As for her laying a guilt trip on other people for triggering her anxiety, that is another matter.

    • Mark Bennett February 4, 2016 at 12:26 pm - Reply

      No, it’s guilting her dad for saying “I’m so, so sorry” that makes her batshit crazy. Do try to keep up.

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