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 November 21, 2013 in 

“U.S. forces can only enter Afghan homes in extraordinary circumstances when the life or limb of Americans is at stake.”


You know what this means?

Residents of Kabul are more secure from US forces invading their homes than are residents of Boston.

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  1. Izaak November 21, 2013 at 10:34 pm - Reply

    A few weeks ago a deputy sheriff in my county shot a thirteen-year-old kid seven times because the kid had a BB gun that looked like an AK-47. I served in Iraq from 04-05. The first thing I thought of when I read the headline was how many kids with (real) AK’s I saw in Iraq (an active war zone) and how many times I never shot any of them. There are similarities between that war and American law enforcement’s war on our country’s civilian population. Professional restraint is not one of them.

    • Michael Stuart November 29, 2013 at 5:27 pm - Reply

      Ah, but you see Izaak, officer safety uber alles.
      Their most important duty is to come home alive; nevermind their job’s not even in the top ten most dangerous, they’re under attack.

      Unsure by what, they create the dangers daily in their own minds–and shoot kids with BB guns.

      Officer safety. Now more important than all those laws “for the chiiiiiiiiiildren”.

  2. AM December 14, 2013 at 7:37 am - Reply

    Just to add another similar story to the mix:

    Thank you for your service Izaak and the reflection.

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