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 September 12, 2008 in 

An anonymous commenter (he calls himself “Scott“) on Eric Berger’s SciGuy blog wrote:

You “experts” better HOPE it’s as bad as your saying or your “chicken little” DRAMA will bite you from now on.

You better HOPE it’s another 25 years before the next one so people won’t remember what DRAMA QUEEN MORONS you are!

Those who attack others anonymously in blog comments are, as a general principle, colossal asshats, not meriting any special attention in the form of an Asshat of the Day Award (ADA). But Eric, for those of you who haven’t perused his blog, has been doing exceptional work, writing levelheadedly about Hurricane Ike’s approach, tracking the experts’ predictions, patiently explaining what Texans can expect, and answering hundreds of questions every afternoon in a lengthy live chat session.

I’m not saying Scott’s polemic wouldn’t be appropriate directed toward, say, the producers of any TV news program in town. But it’s not appropriate toward SciGuy. Eric Berger is a beacon of reason in times of media-induced hysteria. He’s the antidote to those in the media who squeeze every dram of drama out of each impending tropical storm.

And that’s what makes “Scott” our Asshat of the Day.

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  1. Sarah September 12, 2008 at 10:04 pm - Reply

    Yay! Asshat of the day – love it!

  2. The Other Marky September 12, 2008 at 10:10 pm - Reply

    Hey Marky,

    I hope you and the family are doing OK. I’ve been through every hurricane (and hurricane threat) since Carla in 1961 and this is the first one I’m missing. There’s a part of me that wishes I was there but it’s not the rational part. I’ll check in later to see how you’re doing. Please give my best to everyone.

  3. Edintally September 15, 2008 at 12:22 pm - Reply

    There is nothing funnier than a well reasoned “Asshat” commentary.

    Good stuff.

  4. […] the other end of the block. He was (with his friend) clearly the Asshat of the day. (Many thanks to Mark Bennett from whom I have co-opted this delightful […]

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