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 May 12, 2013 in 

When I got a copy of Mark Geragos and Pat Harris’s Mistrial: An Inside Look at How the Criminal Justice System Works . . . and Sometimes Doesn’t in the mail, I was primed to be either outraged or bored.

I’ve expressed my view of L.A. legal culture and lawyers who rep celebrities qua celebrities before and clients who hire lawyers who rep celebrities, and I was prepared to be bored, when reading Mistrial, by Mark Geragos and Pat Harris, by a self-adulatory story book about the criminal-justice system for the TMZ set. The publisher sent me the book for free; I resolved to read at least fifty pages of it, no matter how atrociously celebrity-worshipping.

Pat Harris’s intro—in which the fomer Tennessee PD describes meeting Mark Geragos accidentally while looking for a high-profile lawyer to take his girlfriend Susan McDougal’s case for the media coverage, challenged my resolve to read at least fifty pages. A former public defender, of all people, should recognize that some of the best lawyers get the least publicity, and that “for the publicity” is a lousy reason for a lawyer to take a case (on that point, if publicity is the only currency you have, that’s the currency you spend). A former public defender, of all people, should not shy away from taking an unpopular case, as Harris later describes doing with the Scott Peterson case.

But I plugged on, and after I’d read those first fifty pages I tweeted a brief preliminary review: “doesn’t suck.” 

Geragos and Harris see the criminal-justice system through a California lens. They see a couple of things wrong (in what universe are judges “held to a very high standard by judicial commissions across the country”?); they’re narcissistically churlish two or three times (before they were removed from the defense of Michael Jackson, “[t]he case had become such a slam dunk that we doubted it would even get to trial”), but they’re right about the problems with the system, and they illustrate some of those problems well with anecdotes both from the defense of celebrities and from the defense of ordinary clients.

And mostly they’re right about the solutions. They close the book with nine meritorious suggestions for improving the American criminal-justice system, which if adopted would make the system much more fair and just (and one atrociously, hideously, ridiculously bad idea, which deserves to be mocked in a separate blog post).

And here’s a problem that this book solves: if you’re an ordinary trench lawyer and you write a blog or a book—even an eminently readable and entertaining book such as Mistrial—about the problems that slant America’s criminal-justice system unfairly against the accused, then most of your readers are going to be people such as me (and Greenfield, and Lat, and probably you) who already recognize that there are problems that bias America’s criminal-justice system unfairly against the accused. Most Americans, who have been sold by the Angry Blond White Women on the idea that the system gives guilty! guilty! guilty people too many breaks, are going to pass over your book—they’re too busy watching Nancy Grace, and if they’re reading anything law related, it’s The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Criminal Justice System. This is a function of confirmation bias: most people, having concluded that the world is a certain way, will seek out evidence to confirm their conclusion and actively avoid evidence that might refute it.

So if a little bit of name-dropping by Geragos and Harris will get a few of those folks whose view of the criminal-justice system is informed by the talking heads on TV to read it—if they’ll come for the celebrities and stay for the diagnosis and the prescription—if the book itself helps cure one of the diseases it diagnoses—then godspeed to Geragos and Harris.

Can you think of someone who doesn’t already know that the system is screwed, but who might be open to the idea? Tell me about them in the comments; I’ll send my copy of the book (I resisted the strong temptation to annotate it) to the most worthy recipient.

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  1. Mark's Dad May 12, 2013 at 9:09 pm - Reply

    I was going to not read the Geragos book until I clicked on your "Complete Idiot's Guide to the Criminal Justice System" link and read Greenfield's post. I've now decided to not read that book instead.

    • shg May 14, 2013 at 7:37 am - Reply

      An excellent choice.

  2. Justin T. May 14, 2013 at 3:02 am - Reply

    I can’t think of anyone, but I’ve started working on a book about being a newly-minted lawyer and rookie public defender in Alaska, chronicling some of my experiences and observations on the day-to-day ins and outs of what a public defender actually does, as well as my observations on the justice system, my successes/failures/insecurities, and how my expectations differ from reality. I don’t anticipate it ever getting published but it’s cathartic to out my thoughts down on paper anyway.

  3. Ric Moore May 18, 2013 at 2:37 pm - Reply


    From tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow. :) Ric


  4. Thomas R. Griffith July 18, 2013 at 5:59 pm - Reply

    Mr. B., the only reason I’d read a book by Ger­a­gos is if it was provided complimentary. I have an Aunt that said, “You’ve been in jail 5 days and just now getting to use the phone? The police can’t do that and they can’t arrest people for nothing, put it in God’s hands’ and everything will be fine.”
    100 or so days later, what turned out to be my very own Fake CDL said during lunch recess on day one, “Stop the trial, take the plea, Guilty or Not, you are going to prison just for being on probation at time of arrest.” With that, I’m not exactly which one is more worthy of receiving? Chances are that neither of the them would read it. One being a hard core thumper that forgot about all of the crazy shit King James thought we should know about regarding being wronged by a system and the other trying to forget about the fact that he dabbled in the criminal defense niche, when he should have been concentrating on Divorces & Estates. *The link you provided years ago (Harris County District clerk) indicates that he learned his lesson and stuck to Ds’. & Es’. Thanks.
    *Justin, I’d read it and re-publish it. Water the acorns & consider reading Mrs. Amy Bach’s – “Ordinary Injustice” for heplful insight.

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