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 December 24, 2010 in 

“I can’t go through because I have the equivalent of a pacemaker in me,” she said.
Hirschkind said because of the device in her body, she was led to a female TSA employee and three Austin police officers. She says she was told she was going to be patted down.
“I turned to the police officer and said, ‘I have given no due cause to give up my constitutional rights. You can wand me,'” and they said, ‘No, you have to do this,'” she said.
Hirschkind agreed to the pat down, but on one condition.
“I told them, ‘No, I’m not going to have my breasts felt,’ and she said, ‘Yes, you are,'” said Hirschkind.
When Hirschkind refused, she says that “the police actually pushed me to the floor, (and) handcuffed me. I was crying by then. They drug me 25 yards across the floor in front of the whole security.”

(Austin, Texas ABC station Yes, in Texas the past tense of “to drag” is “drug.”)

I suspect that what really happened here (criminal-defense lawyers are expert at the game of “what really happened”) is not that Ms. Hirschkind was arrested for simply refusing to allow TSA to scope her or grope her. The Austin Police Department had to have a reason to arrest Ms. Hirschkind, and “refusing to be scoped or groped” is not a criminal offense in Texas. Unfortunately, there are many failure-to-respect-the-authoritah crimes they could gin up against her—including criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, resisting search, and interference with public duties—that would depend for their proof entirely on the possibly faulty memories and subjective opinions of TSA’s finest. (Ms. Hirschkind, if you’re reading this, please don’t be surprised when the government’s story is different than yours. Government agents lie in criminal prosecutions as a routine matter. Also, call me. Whatever the whole story is, I’ll drive out to Travis County to defend you in a New York minute.)

Here’s the TSA’s take on Ms. Hirschkind’s arrest: “Our officers are trained to treat all passengers with dignity and respect. Security is not optional. And if we could release the statistics—which we can’t, since they’re classified—you would be surprised how many 56-year-old ladies named Hirschkind have tried to blow airplanes out of the sky.”

Okay, I may have added that last sentence myself. At any rate, here’s a handy guide to dignity and respect, from the Visual Dictionary of TSA Newspeak:

Ms. Hirschkind, you see, declined to be either respected or doubleplusdignified. As a result (direct or indirect) she was arrested.

This (from the KVUE story) is the reaction of Gwen Washington of Killeen, Texas to Ms. Hirschkind’s arrest: “I understand her side of it, and their side as well, but it is for our protection so I have no problems with it.” In other words, whatever it takes.

And this is Emily Protine’s reaction: “It’s unfortunate that that happened and she didn’t get to fly home, but it makes me feel a little safer.”

I recognize that the media’s man-in-the-street interviews are intended to capture the opinions of the least common denominator—people who haven’t given any thought to what’s actually at stake—and that ordinary folks interviewed in an airport while on the way home for Christmas are unlikely to express dangerous political views. But still: damn. When tyranny arrives (to those tempted to comment, “but tyranny is already here,” I can only say, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet”), it will not come marching on the hard soles of invaders, but padding on cats’ paws. Like a vampire, tyranny in America will not come in uninvited, but rather welcomed by ordinary folk like Gwen Washington (willing to have Ms. Hirschkind take whatever the government wants to dish out “for our protection”) and Emily Protine (only wants to “feel a little safer”).

Tyranny is coming. We can’t blame George W. Bush (sorry, lefties) any more than we can blame Barack Obama (sorry, righties). We can only blame ourselves. We are a nation of consumers—consumers of cheap Chinese goods, consumers of dehumanizing culture, consumers of costly and ineffective government services. As consumers, we devour what the manufacturers want to sell us—junky toys, trashy movies, high-fructose corn syrup, fraudulent political philosophies, rationalizations for surrendering our liberty—and pay dearly for the privilege. Government is testing our bounds; the freedom we will give up to (maybe) make air travel (marginally) safer, we will give up on even slighter pretexts, if slighter pretexts can be imagined.

A reader commented to me the other day that he was glad I had gotten off the topic of scope-and-grope; he thought that I had gotten off-task from the theme (the tao of criminal-defense trial lawyering) of this blog.

I fear that he missed the point of that string of posts.

Client by client, day in and day out, year after year, we criminal-defense lawyers are in the business of maximizing freedom. Freedom is our master and our product. Making two people free is better than making one person free; if we can liberate many people with a few words, that’s best of all (which is why many of us teach; or blog).

What can those of us in the trenches of the criminal courthouse do to slow the approach of creeping tyranny? We can keep doing our job, surely, but isn’t there something more? I don’t want my grandkids, 30 years from now, asking, “when freedom died in America, why didn’t you do anything?

Within the political system, we don’t have any more meaningful power than any other voters—which is to say, none at all. Something we can do, though, is teach our fellow citizens, encouraging them to close the open doors and put away the enticing bowls of milk that they have left out for tyranny. Most of the men-and-women-in-the-street won’t hear us or, hearing, won’t understand. But if we can get through to just a few, and if they, understanding what’s at stake, prepare themselves and their families to resist, then—despite those who think that airport security is irrelevant on a blog dedicated to criminal-defense work—all of our words will have been worth writing.

To my brothers and sisters of the criminal-defense bar and blawgosphere: you’ve earned a day off. Take tomorrow to celebrate the birthday of a great Jewish criminal-defense lawyer. Merry Christmas. Then get back to work.

There’s much to be done, for life is short and freedom fleeting.

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  1. Lyle Jones December 24, 2010 at 6:49 pm - Reply

    Damn that’s good, Mark.

  2. DJMoore December 24, 2010 at 8:54 pm - Reply

    I left a comment on the article about Gov. Christie commuting Brian Aitken’s outrageous prison term for carrying firearms in his car in the manner prescribed by New Jersey law. I quoted Solzhenitsyn’s warning “How we burned in the camps”.

    Another commenter mocked me for bringing up Stalin’s prison camps, as if it were the most ridiculous thing in the world, something that could never happen here.

    Of course, Americans imprison a higher percentage of their fellow citizens than just about any other first world country.

    Elsewhere in the thread, people who clearly hated Gov. Christie as a law-n-order Nazi criticized him for this act of Constitutional mercy, because he released the wrong kind of criminal, of the wrong race, for something other than a drug crime.

    Nobody seems to have followed the case of a man stopped and searched because he an NRA sticker on his vehicle.

    Too many people with NRA stickers and police charity decals on their cars don’t understand what a horrible beast the War on Drugs has become.

    Tyranny is right outside your doors, people; it’s just waiting for the right time to burst in and haul us away.

    And how we will burn, in prison….
    Tyranny is comin

  3. Ric Moore December 24, 2010 at 10:37 pm - Reply

    While you folks, as defense attorneys. deal with sex-offense cases, the back end of the penalty/punishment phase is widely ignored by most of the State Bar Associations. It’s usually some minor legislature hack who introduces new legislation, to make a name for themselves in the process, that no other legislator would dare vote against. My 10 year registration requirement has gone to lifetime registration. My offense level has been raised from “non-violent” to “violent” …without breaking one minuscule law, of any sort, in 10 years. Just behaving isn’t enough for us. All of these actions have been ex-post-facto, against what folks like you bargained for on my behalf at sentencing and what I have in writing. If the Bar won’t speak up, then there you have it. Tyranny is already here, from where I sit. I guess it will be up to us, to push back. Ric

    • Mark Bennett December 24, 2010 at 10:50 pm - Reply

      How we treat sex offenders is the thin edge of the wedge. We set precedents (e.g. civil commitment) in dealing with sex offenders that can, without changing the underlying principles, be expanded to cover broader and broader categories.

      I’ve said this before, of course.

    • Glenn_G January 2, 2011 at 1:59 pm - Reply


      The day might very well come that we, people like you and I, will be the sharp end of the spear in changing the laws that expand against us and rob us of our liberties after the sentences have long since been served. It might take violent action, it might take non-violent action, but either way remember that it is our future choices that will decide our outcome, not theirs.

  4. […] “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” -John 8:3-11, via Mark Bennett. […]

  5. […] the government that purports to function with our blessing. As Mark Bennett recently noted in his Christmas Wrapup: When tyranny arrives (to those tempted to comment, “but tyranny is already here,” I can only […]

  6. Thomas R. Griffith December 26, 2010 at 4:06 pm - Reply

    Mr. B., for centuries we have delt with refusing entry to private events & public venues by simply placing signage, humans and/or obstacals at or near the entrances. To be attacked, cuffed and drug off for not being on the list or not being tall enough to ride won’t stand and neither will this krap.

    The “don’t touch my junk or I’ll have you arrested” guy didn’t get arrested for protecting his nuts and Ms. H. shouldn’t have been either. Both instances should have been automatic entry refusals while other methods of compliance are worked out.

    This had to be recorded on multiple cameras and there are probably 50 plus witnesses.
    Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  7. J Nelson December 28, 2010 at 3:20 pm - Reply
  8. Glenn_G January 2, 2011 at 1:54 pm - Reply

    Stories are stories, the proof is in the pudding, or in this case the multi-million dollar CCTV tapes that watch over ever angle of every passenger screening area in major airports. I believe the lady will get some very interesting nods if the tapes show her side of the story, and also a complete reversal of story from the government.

    The state and fed need you to lie down for most of their cases to go their way. If you stand and challenge, it is amazing how many crumble.

  9. mirriam January 4, 2011 at 10:53 am - Reply

    I am bookmarking it so I can nominate it for best blog post of 2011.

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