

Free Goodies from ASTC

 Posted on January 27, 2009 in Uncategorized

The new edition of the American Society of Trial Consultants The Jury Expert is out. I'll be paying special attention to Gail Herde's Take Me to Your Leader: An Examination of Authoritarianism as an Indicator of Juror Bias.

I think authoritarianism might be what I'm trying to get at with this scaled jury question; I expect to be able to improve on it with the help of the 1993 Kravitz & Block article from Law and Human Behavior, which Herde cites, that evaluates the reliability and validity of the Legal Attitudes Questionnaire, for a discussion of which see Posey and Wrightman's Trial Consulting (for a chuckle, also read the sole Amazon review of that book).

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