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 February 2, 2008 in 

Here, for the open records fans, are the Harris County Sheriff’s recent email retention policy change memo and a flowchart showing how HCSO emails are handled.

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  1. Anonymous February 2, 2008 at 3:19 am - Reply

    Geez, no sense of humor over at AHCL website. I posted 2 comments about Kelly’s deleted emails and the HCSO, and they were deleted!

    So I’ll post them here!

    Kely deleted her emails so no one would find any kiss behind the emails on her computer from someone at the HCSO.

  2. A Harris County Lawyer February 2, 2008 at 3:57 am - Reply

    And I addressed the deletions in my latest posting. You are really desparate to get your message out there. I’m taking an educated guess that you are PeaceMD from the Chronicle.

    You are doing nothing more than trying to circulate an irrelevant and unsubstantiated rumor. Your desperation in trying to do so is very telling.

    I think it is rather cowardly, myself.

  3. Mark Bennett February 2, 2008 at 4:02 am - Reply

    Just so we’re clear, AHCL, if the rumor (whatever it is — I’m not sure I get it from anonymous’s emails, but if he/she intends to attack someone personally here he/she should be ready to post under his/her own name) is substantiated will you be less stridently against its publication?

  4. A Harris County Lawyer February 2, 2008 at 4:31 am - Reply

    It’s your blog, Mark. But I believe that your Anon is a person who was fired from the D.A.’s office under bad circumstances. If it is that same person, she’s a regular poster on

    She can try to substantiate it all she wants, but I don’t think that will happen. It’s just a personal attack from a disgruntled

  5. Ron in Houston February 2, 2008 at 2:12 pm - Reply


    Why of course it has to be a disgruntled employee. The DA’s office can do no wrong, especially St. Kelley.

  6. Mark Bennett February 2, 2008 at 3:40 pm - Reply

    AHCL, only a prosecutor would think she was in a position to tell 9:19 she could post on my blog, and tell me it’s my blog. With all due respect, that’s officious horseshit.

    It’s not clear to me what the rumor is. If 9:19 wants to make it clear here without substantiation, he/she will have to post under his/her own name or reveal himself/herself to me and convince me that he/she is a reliable source. (mark at fightthefeds dot com)

    I have heard rumblings of the existence of a couple of videotapes that the Republican voters would not publicly approve of. I’ll believe it when I hear from a reliable source who has seen them.

  7. A Harris County Lawyer February 2, 2008 at 8:13 pm - Reply

    You asked me “if the rumor (whatever it is — I’m not sure I get it from anonymous’s emails, but if he/she intends to attack someone personally here he/she should be ready to post under his/her own name) is substantiated will you be less stridently against its publication?”

    I responded by stating “it’s your blog” meaning, it wasn’t my place to say anything about what is posted on here.

    Didn’t mean to be spreading “officious horseshit.”. Man, you have been cantankerous ever since Ron in Houston started joining your discussions.

  8. Mark Bennett February 2, 2008 at 8:59 pm - Reply

    Was I ever not cantankerous?

  9. A Harris County Lawyer February 2, 2008 at 9:21 pm - Reply

    Yeah, but man, you are being harsh these days.

  10. Mark Bennett February 2, 2008 at 9:58 pm - Reply

    I’ll consider that. Thanks.

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