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August 29, 2008 in
Brooklyn lawyer Marina Tylo has sued New York Attorney Malpractice Blog blogger Andrew Lavoott Bluestone for defamation, because he wrote about a case in which she was (unsuccessfully) sued for malpractice for “serving a summons before buying the index number.” (I gather that “buying the index number” is the New York’s equivalent of filing a lawsuit.) It seems that, according to Tylo, in his blog Bluestone defamed her by writing, “Here is the full text cite for a legal malpractice case in which plaintiff’s attorney served a summons before buying the index number. Khlevner v. Tylo, 10733/07.”
Scott Greenfield (to whom is owed, as usual, a tip of the hat for bringing news of this New York frivolity to the hardworking trench lawyers of the flyover states) says that Tylo deserves a good spanking. I can’t disagree with Scott, but the more salient point, in my view, is that Tylo chose the wrong defendant. Before suing Bluestone (who presumably can not only defend himself but strike back), Tylo should have filed suit against the bumbler who, pretending to be her, wrote this abomination:
I am a very experienced and competant attorney. I finished NYU law school and have over 14 years expiernce in legal matters relating to Real Estate. Even though by using a great attorney such as my self you can save a whole lot of money I do not charge excessive legal fees. I also have a lot of expeirnce in investing and owning real estate and thus I am in a position to trully understand and appreciate any pitfalls associated with all types of real estate transactions including Litigation, Closings, Tenant issues, and transactional negotiational matters. I am licenced in the State of New York and all Federal courts, and Supreme Court of the United States. I will fight for my Clients tooth and nail to get the desired results.
Whoever is responsible for that is clearly trying to cast Ms. Tylo as a bumbler. He makes NYU Law look bad too; that school might join her self in suing the perpetrator.
wow. that’s… pretty bad. maybe she has an intern who handles that stuff.
Ooh, nobody in her office knows how to spell check?
I’m not even going to “think check.” When did they stop teaching grammar? NYU, I thought better of you. Negotiational matters was not a field I ever studied. Oops, there I am getting elitist again? I have been afraid of okaying the content on my soon to be website for months, because I don’t want to come out looking anything like this. AACK!
Wow. Whoever wrote that is trully incompetant.