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 September 16, 2010 in 

Elected Republican Calumet County, Wisconsin District Attorney Kenneth R. Kratz got caught texting the complainant in a domestic-violence assault case. He was prosecuting her ex-boyfriend while trying to get into her pants.

Im serious! Im the atty. I have the $350,000 house. I have the 6-figure career. You may be the tall, young, hot nymph, but I am the prize!

(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.)

Could Kratz have picked a more vulnerable victim? The allegation of domestic abuse would suggest that she was susceptible; if that’s not enough, though, he was abusing a position of authority and power.

The complainant “was afraid Kratz would throw out the case against her ex-boyfriend if she told Kratz to stop, the police report said.” (Journal Sentinel article again.)

She had more to fear than that—if she had yielded to his blandishments, his abuse of power wouldn’t suddenly stop, but would likely escalate. If he got caught once, how many times had he gotten away with it?

I’ll bet his ex-wives have some stories to tell; even aside from being a Republican politician, there’s something wrong with Kenneth R. Kratz.

[Update: WLUK-TV has the text of Kratz’s messages.]

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  1. Brian Gurwitz September 16, 2010 at 8:19 pm - Reply

    $350,000? Impressive.

  2. Mark's Dad September 17, 2010 at 6:33 am - Reply

    How could the state Office of Lawyer Regulation determine that “no professional misconduct had occurred”? Even Kratz would acknowledge that is creepy.

    • Mark Bennett September 17, 2010 at 8:09 am - Reply

      “Being creepy” is apparently not a violation of the Wisconsin disciplinary rules.

      Sexual harassment is, though, and if they had wanted to I think they could have dinged him for that. But bar regulators give prosecutors special treatment.

  3. […] Kenneth R. Kratz: “The Prize” […]

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