

Lawyer David DeCosta Cleared

 Posted on February 09,2010 in Uncategorized

David DeCosta was set up, to begin with: set up by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and the Phoenix Police Department, and almost certainly factually innocent.

Yesterday the State of Arizona, represented by the Pinal County Attorney's Office (to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest-are you listening, Pat Lykos?) moved to dismiss the case against DeCosta for lack of evidence, because there was "no reasonable likelihood of conviction."

I don't know why DeCosta was targeted. He may just have been convenient, the criminal-defense lawyer who was nearest when the time came to show that being a criminal-defense lawyer in Maricopa County is dangerous.

It's also possible that the Phoenix cops are so incompetent that they can't even successfully frame a guilty man.

I like to think, though, that David DeCosta became the object of Phoenix law enforcement's unwanted attentions by working harder than they liked, and being more successful than they liked, at defending his clients-in other words, that David was attacked because he was doing his job too well.

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