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March 16, 2008 in
Over at Life at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center, my evil twin has caught DA candidate (and former judge) Patricia Lykos in a lie. Not just a lie, but a whopper — Lykos publicly claimed (in the KHOU Debate) not to have sought the campaign support of police organizations, less than six weeks after seeking (and not receiving) the Houston Police Retired Officers’ Association endorsement .
Lykos likes to ask, “if you can’t trust your DA, who can you trust?” It’s moronic question (there are lots of people whom you should trust before the DA), but it’s Lykos’s chosen way to frame the issue. And, as AHCL points out, “you can’t say ‘Lykos’ without ‘lie.'”
Evil twin?
It was either that or “counterpart at LATHCCJC who, like some demented Lorax, speaks for the prosecutors”.