

New Additions to the Blogroll

 Posted on July 15, 2009 in Uncategorized

Check these out, and tell me what you think:

  1. Gamso – For the DefenseOhio Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Gamso.

  2. What About Paris?Dan Hull's What About {Clients / Paris}

  3. Crime & FederalismMike Cernovich: "So long as everyone agrees to believe the lie, then the lie will remain the truth."

  4. Cognitive DailyA new cognitive psychology article every day.

  5. Houston's Clear ThinkersHouston lawyer Tom Kirkendall.

  6. White Collar Crime Prof BlogStetson University law professor Ellen S. Podgor

  7. Life after Esq.Another anonymous Harris County prosecutor

  8. Kaiser Law Firm BlogDC criminal-defense lawyer Matt Kaiser.

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