Posted on
February 3, 2009 in
I’m enjoying hearing Harris County’s newly minted criminal-defense lawyers, recent departures from the prosecutorial bar, talking about prosecutorial bullshit as though they’re the first to discover a previously-unknown creature.
I love when prosecutors leave the office and then sit in the coffee shop and lament how they can’t believe they cant get a good plea on a case. How soon they forget that they were those “unreasonable punks” just weeks before
The enlightenment of (finally) opening one’s eyes.
Althought it rarely happens, I would imagine that a defense attorney who becomes a newbie prosecutor would bemoan the prevalence of defense bar bullshit, which is if course doled out in equal measures.
Really? Equal measures?
How do you know?
Sturgeon’s Law, maybe?
I assume it is equal measures, as I get more than I give.