•   Posted on

     February 12, 2015 in 

    Do I have free will? If you believe that I do, on what evidence do you believe that? The only evidence that you might have is your perception that you have free will—anything outside of that can be easily faked. If you ask me to do something and I do it, you don't know whether that's out of free will or some compulsion. But it seems to

  •   Posted on

     February 12, 2015 in 

    Texas Penal Code Section 36.06: OBSTRUCTION OR RETALIATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly harms or threatens to harm another by an unlawful act: (1) in retaliation for or on account of the service or status of another as a: (A) public servant, witness, prospective witness, or informant; or (B) person who has reported or who the actor knows intends to report

  •   Posted on

     February 9, 2015 in 

    Scott writes: Keith is friends with Jeena, and saw no reason to attack her post too strongly and turn a friend into an enemy. So in concluding, he threw her a bone with some praise. Of course, it contradicts his point, renders his post pointless and is facial nonsense. Jeena didn’t remind anyone to structure behaviors so as not to do a disservice towards clients, but to

  •   Posted on

     February 5, 2015 in 

    Today the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association held a ceremony in honor all of the local criminal-defense lawyers who have died. There are 125 names on the list; I'm sure we're forgetting some, but we only started keeping track in 2006 (it was Robb Fickman's idea, during Wendell Odom's presidency). Most of us will never find more than fleeting fame; the purpose of the ceremony is to

  •   Posted on

     February 4, 2015 in 

    Here's my brief on the unconstitutionality of the balance of Texas's Online Solicitation of a Minor statute, Texas Penal Code Section 33.021. I have two appeals pending, both in courts that have already upheld the statute in the face of First Amendment challenges: https://blog.bennettandbennett.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Bennett-33.021c-First-Amendment-Brief.pdf Both the Beaumont and First Courts of Appeals analyzed Section 33.021(c) as statutes regulating conduct rather than speech. This is plainly incorrect:

  •   Posted on

     February 4, 2015 in 

    One of my proteges, working on an appeal, noticed how easily the prosecutor convinced a member of the jury panel to change his mind on an important issue with a tongue lashing. He posted about it publicly, admonishing potential jurors to be strong in jury selection and not let a prosecutor "bully them" into changing their opinions. It's a fair point, but there is a lesson for

  •   Posted on

     February 3, 2015 in 

    Joan Huffman is the Texas Senator (and former Harris County criminal judge) responsible for Code of Criminal Procedure article 38.37 section 2, which provides that extraneous offenses are admissible in the trial of someone accused of a sex crime with a child to prove "the character of the defendant and acts performed in conformity with the character of the defendant." My brief on the unconstitutionality of that

  •   Posted on

     January 30, 2015 in 

    I would never say that I don't need to prove that I don't need to prove that I'm opposed to cops being murdered. Because it's obvious that I don't need to prove that I don't need to prove that I oppose murder, and rape, and revenge porn, and all of the other bad things. It goes without saying. And nobody would suggest that I need to prove

  •   Posted on

     January 30, 2015 in 

    Some lawyers are reportedly interpreting Ethics Opinion 646 to mean that they can give their clients copies of discovery produced under Article 39.14 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, despite Article 39.14(f)'s admonition that: The attorney representing the defendant, or an investigator, expert, consulting legal counsel, or agent for the attorney representing the defendant, may allow a defendant, witness, or prospective witness to view the information

  •   Posted on

     January 30, 2015 in 

    Hypo: In a Texas criminal case, defense counsel receives a video recording in discovery from the state. Assume that she needs to prepare her witnesses for cross-examination by talking to them about the contents of the video. The defendant forbids her from showing the video to the witnesses or even telling them what it shows. She does her best to convince him to allow it, but he

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