•   Posted on

     September 28, 2012 in 

    Mark Bennett, I work for 17 different attorneys throughoutThe United States, and I have a simple propositionthat will benefit your website and ours. One of my attorney clients would like toPlace a link from his website to your website,Which will elevate you in Google’s eyes and helpYou get higher up in Google results. In return, we ask for a link from your website toA different attorney client

  •   Posted on

     September 25, 2012 in 

    "It is not true that if you devote most of your attention to marketing, [lawyering and administration] will suffer. It will simply mean that you need to hire or outsource." This little gem of wisdom comes from a comment on this post at Lawyerist.com. The comment's author is Mark Merenda, who is—you guessed it—in the business of selling marketing to lawyers. Is Merenda's position—that "Marketing is job one.

  •   Posted on

     September 21, 2012 in 

    On 18 September the aiding suicide case that Dionne Press neglected and that I offered to work on for free (which caused Press to try to get the DA's Office to file charges or a grievance against me) was no-billed by the grand jury of the 351st District Court. So I was right in predicting that result (to be honest, the outcome was a no-brainer, which is why Press should have

  •   Posted on

     September 19, 2012 in 

    When she filled out a form on a website looking for a lawyer to defend her in a DWI case, do you think it occurred to Ms. Dilworth that the boneheads she was sending her information to would be forwarding it to a bunch of strangers, none of whom were bound by attorney-client privilege?  I kid. Of course it didn't occur to her (here's the sort of

  •   Posted on

     September 17, 2012 in 

    Donald Collins, now twenty-seven,  is accused of burning Robbie Middleton when Collins was thirteen and Middleton was eight. Middleton died last year of a cancer that "only comes from enduring multiple, painful skin grafts for serious burns." Montgomery County, Texas is considering charging Collins as an adult, but in 1998 a juvenile had to be at least fourteen years old to be certified as an adult. It

  •   Posted on

     September 9, 2012 in 

    Jordan Rushie asks (rhetorically), Should I run my law firm on Apple? (a stupid post Greenfield and Tannebaum will laugh at), and compares this question to another: It’s like asking if you prefer to eat eggs for breakfast or cereal. It’s a preference. It won’t win the trial or make you lots of money anymore than your Fruit Loops will. Rushie overstates the importance of the question

  •   Posted on

     September 5, 2012 in 

    Just the facts: On the 29th of August I got in the mail the State's Motion to Disclose Experts in a case set for trial next Tuesday. The same day the District Clerk's office notified me that the judge had granted the State's motion. Here's a portion of Texas Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct 3.05: A lawyer shall not…except as otherwise permitted by law and not prohibited by

  •   Posted on

     September 4, 2012 in 

    From a disciplinary petition filed today by the Commission for Lawyer Discipline against a criminal-defense lawyer (no, not me): 1. In or around November 2009, [Client] hired Respondent for representation in a federal criminal matter. [Client] paid Respondent $250,000.00 for the representation. In or around February 2010, [Client] terminated the representation and requested an accounting of the funds and a refund of any unused portion of the

  •   Posted on

     September 3, 2012 in 

    I got the letter (PDF) from Judge Ruben Guerrero's lawyer, Bruse Loyd, a couple of weeks ago: It is our understanding that you own the domain name "judgerubenguerrero.com." This website constitutes an unauthorized use of Judge Guerrero's identity and is both unlawful and harmful to his reputation. As such, we respectfully request that you take down the website. …and I had to decide what direction I was

  •   Posted on

     August 29, 2012 in 

    Listening to Diane Rehm today, I heard two people discussing whether algebra should be a mandatory course for all American students (stream it). At the time I was preparing for the installation of an auto lift in my garage. To plan for this blue-collar mechanical task I needed a little bit of trigonometry (?=arccos(90.25-x)/2/24.5, where x is the width of the car between lift points); without algebra

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