•   Posted on

     August 28, 2012 in 

    Monday morning before I went to court, as the vet injected him with a massive dose of sedative, Indy drifted off to sleep with his massive head in my hands, and then to oblivion. About a year ago we had a lymphoma scare. Indy had already had various tumors—mostly lipomas (benign fatty tumors), but also a malignant tumor in his armpit and a parathyroid tumor (both of

  •   Posted on

     August 26, 2012 in 

    One of my lawprof correspondents writes: Unfortunately, this year’s dismal law school enrollments (affecting us and all schools nationwide) present a major budgetary challenge for us… Law schools aren't filling classes.The reasons for this are many, but can be summed up as "college graduates aren't that stupid." This is unlucky for law schools; it is fortunate for lawyers, for the profession, and for society.  Scott Greenfield wrote

  •   Posted on

     August 25, 2012 in 

    Via Advice Goddess Amy Alkon: At the US Department of Justice… Those with "targeted disabilities" may be hired through a "non-competitive" appointment. That means they don't have to endure the regular civil service competition among applicants, but can be plucked from the stack of resumes and hired immediately instead. According to the documents, those with these "targeted disabilities" may be hired "before the position is advertised" and

  •   Posted on

     August 23, 2012 in 

    So what you're saying is that there were two threats to America, but now there's only one? That's awesome. And it's probably true, but how are we to remove the credulity of the American voter?

  •   Posted on

     August 23, 2012 in 

    Lubbock County Judge (not a judicial officer, but an elected county manager) Tom Head wants more money for Lubbock County law enforcement. His justification is that a) Obama will hand over US Sovereignty to the UN; b) the people will rise; c) Obama will send UN troops in to Lubbock County; d) Head will stand in front of their armored personnel carrier; d) the sheriff will back

  •   Posted on

     August 22, 2012 in 

    The Harris County Democratic Party Wednesday took district attorney candidate Lloyd Oliver's name off the ballot, deciding to go forward without a candidate in November's general election. (Houston Chronicle.) The pretext for removing Oliver from the ballot? [Former HCDP Chairman Gerry] Birnberg said in his complaint that Oliver told the Houston Chronicle in May that Lykos was such a good candidate that she "would have gotten my

  •   Posted on

     August 22, 2012 in 

    Fortunately for the government, procedures are being put into place for dealing “civilly” with those deemed antisocial: once a conviction for which the sentence is allowed to trigger civil commitment, a principle is in place allowing other government-condemned behavior to do so as well. -Me, a couple years ago. First they came for the sex offenders. Then they came for the veterans, the gun collectors, and the preppers. Whom

  •   Posted on

     August 21, 2012 in 

    The lesson (for criminal-defense lawyers) of Missouri Republican Todd Akin's surprising assertion that "If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down” is that there are people who earnestly believe such nonsense, which may be turned to our clients' advantage.

  •   Posted on

     August 20, 2012 in 

    A Harris County ADA had been trying to talk to a potential witness. The witness didn't want to talk to her. Feeling harassed, the witness hired me. I told the prosecutor that I represented the witness. The prosecutor tried to subpoena the witness to court. While the case was technically still pending, the defendant had made a deal. There was no hearing set at which my client's

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