•   Posted on

     May 30, 2012 in 

    Ken at Popehat needs "a federal criminal practitioner in the Middle District of Florida, or admitted there and familiar with its courts….to help and advise a blogger who is being unjustly threatened with criminal consequences….because of what he has written about Brett Kimberlin and his crew…. I also need someone in the Middle District of Tennessee, or at least admitted there and familiar with its courts." If you're

  •   Posted on

     May 30, 2012 in 

    Texas counties are moving toward getting blood tests for alcohol in more DWI cases. Tarrant County prosecutor (and sometime Defending People commenter) Richard Alpert likes to say, "If it bleeds, it pleads." That does not need to be true. Pre-testing issues Collection tubes and directions The laboratory Personnel Testing Specimen suitability for testing Analytical methods—calibration Validation and approaches to calibration Quality control and matrix validation Batch analysis Quality control

  •   Posted on

     May 30, 2012 in 

    Not only was Pat Lykos ousted by Harris County primary voters, but John Bradley of Williamson County was as well. I don't know anything about his successor, Williamson County Attorney Jana Duty, but I hope she'll drag the county out of the ranks of hellish white-flight suburban backwaters, where Bradley fought so hard to keep it for so long. Congratulations to the voters of WIlliamson County.

  •   Posted on

     May 30, 2012 in 

    Lloyd Oliver ("Ollie the Cabdrivertising Attorney," here) beat Zack Fertitta in the Democratic primary for Harris County DA. There's no chance that Harris County will elect a Democrat to that position in 2012, but I thought there was zero chance that voters would pick Oliver over Fertitta, so what the hell do I know? We could wind up with Lloyd Oliver running the Harris County DA's Office.

  •   Posted on

     May 29, 2012 in 

    During Blomberg's jury selection, 64 people were summoned and were divided into four groups of 16 each. The jury panel size varies on the amount of people a judge requests. Typically, for a misdemeanor trial such as Blomberg's, approximately 100 people are summoned to jury service, Daniel said. After potential jurors are summoned, the selection process is up to the district attorney and the judge presiding over

  •   Posted on

     May 28, 2012 in 

    Tomorrow—Tuesday—Harris County voters will choose Democratic and Republican candidates for District Attorney. The Democratic candidates are Zach Fertitta and Lloyd Oliver; the Republican contenders are Mike Anderson and incumbent Pat Lykos. I sat down to lunch with Fertitta and Anderson for short interviews. I didn't get to interview Lykos because she didn't respond to requests, and I didn't interview Oliver because I think his Reasonable Doubt interview

  •   Posted on

     May 28, 2012 in 

    I wonder if this rings true for any of my friends in the Harris County District Attorney's Office: To begin with, Jackall finds that though the modern workplace is in many respects a bureaucracy, managers do not experience authority in an impersonal way. Rather, authority is embodied in the persons with whom one has working relationships up and down the hierarchy. One's career depends entirely on these

  •   Posted on

     May 25, 2012 in 

    I'm in a continuing legal education program all day today, but if I weren't I would write more about Brett Kimberlin, the "Speedway Bomber" who terrorized the town of Speedway, Indiana and went to prison for it 30 years ago, and whose critics are subjected to harassment, including: complaining to the victim’s workplace, defaming the victim online, “Googlebombing” the victim, publishing the victim’s address online, filing phony

  •   Posted on

     May 17, 2012 in 

    Here's how bonds work in Texas: D is arrested. Unless his case fits into a few narrow exceptions (capital murder, habitual felony, felony while on bond, deadly-weapon felony after felony conviction, or violent or sexual felony while on parole or probation) he is entitled to bail. High bail can't be used as an "instrument of oppression"; if a person is entitled to bail (and almost everyone is),

  •   Posted on

     May 15, 2012 in 

    On Friday morning at 9am, please join me and other freedom fighters at METRO headquarters, 1900 Main Street, Second Floor, to continue the discussion with METRO about METRO police chief Victor Rodriguez's inviting TSA VIPR teams into our community.

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