•   Posted on

     September 15, 2011 in 

    What to do about the TSA?A commenter suggested posting TSA agents’ personal contact information online for all to see. While I think their names should be widely known (so that those who don’t want to do business with TSA employees can refuse to), the idea of publishing government thugs’ home addresses doesn’t sit well with me.

  •   Posted on

     September 14, 2011 in 

    From the Houston Chronicle:A Houston man was arrested after a handgun and bullets were discovered in his luggage at Bush Intercontinental Airport Tuesday evening.Here's a news flash for the Chronicle: this happens often in Houston. If not weekly, then every month somebody flakes out and packs his carry-on bag, forgetting until the bag is in the x-ray machine that when he last used the bag he was

  •   Posted on

     September 14, 2011 in 

    "Motor vehicle" means a device in, on, or by which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a highway, except a device used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks.In other words, a motor vehicle does not have to have a motor. A little red wagon is a motor vehicle, for purposes of Texas's DWI statute (a street is a highway). So if

  •   Posted on

     September 14, 2011 in 

    Newt Gingrich at last week's GOP Debate:The fact is, we have enemies who want to use weapons against us that will lead to disasters on an enormous scale. And the original goal was to have a Homeland Security Department that could help us withstand up to three nuclear events in one morning. And we need to understand, there are people out there who want to kill us.

  •   Posted on

     September 14, 2011 in 

    Ron Paul has got a "Rain Man" vibe—not that that is a bad thing. Watch how he presses on regardless of the boos when he challenges the conventional 9/11 story.

  •   Posted on

     September 13, 2011 in 

    There are people out there who want to kill us.Newt Gingrich (via Reason.com).As a people, we are not widely traveled. The great majority of Americans have never traveled outside of North America. It’s no surprise to me at all that a passenger on a Denver-to-Detroit Frontier Airlines flight would, seeing two Indian passenger going several times to the restroom, conclude that OH MY GOD THEY’VE GOT A

  •   Posted on

     September 13, 2011 in 

    Only in California, I suspect, would it be "unlikely" for a good lawyer who is not a media whore to be representing someone on trial for his livelihood, his freedom, and his future.When asked, I did my best to explain that there is no positive correlation between being a high-profile criminal-defense lawyer and being an excellent criminal-defense lawyer. Indeed, there is often a negative correlation: our clients

  •   Posted on

     September 13, 2011 in 

    Have you ever wondered about the "IRS Circular 230 Notice" language you often see at the bottom of lawyers' emails? Here's a sample, from the email of a criminal-defense lawyer: IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (or in any attachment) is not intended or written to be used,

  •   Posted on

     September 13, 2011 in 

    What does the transportation of oxycodone and cash have to do with transportation security? Reuters:Three Transportation Security Administration employees, a police officer and a state trooper were among 20 people arrested and accused of running an interstate prescription drug ring, officials said on Tuesday.This case stands not only for the proposition that TSA employees are not incorruptible, and shouldn't be trusted with our personal property (part of

  •   Posted on

     September 13, 2011 in 

    This post was contributed by Robb Fickman. Robb is a criminal-defense lawyer and a leader of the Houston criminal bar. He is a past president of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association. No disclaimer applies. I agree with Robb.

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