Posted on
August 3, 2011 in
Mosey on over, cowpokes, ’cause it’s brandin’ week in the blawgosphere. Scott Greenfield opens the rodeo with So It’s Not Just Lawyers?, which is this Gene Weingarten column MS3K style. Keith Lee of An Associates Mind comes out strong: Facebook You v. Real You or Why Personal Branding is Stupid: Your brand is what you say about yourself, but your reputation is what others say about you.There
Posted on
August 1, 2011 in
I have occasionally wanted to refer to fools of the nth (or even or odd) degree, but been unable (probably because they aren't "fools" but "simpletons") to bring to hand the Edgar Allen Poe quote from which the expression came. So here, for future reference (yes, Gideon, by all means bookmark it), it is:A certain set of highly ingenious resources are, with the Prefect, a sort of
Posted on
July 31, 2011 in
Wolk settled the underlying case, Taylor v. Teledyne, No. CIV.A.1:00-CV-1741-J (N.D. Ga.), on the condition that the order criticizing him be vacated. This accusation is damning. It also may be untrue. In his nutty and angry 100 page pro se defamation complaint against Overlawyered and others, Arthur Wolk writes:
Posted on
July 31, 2011 in
The Houston Chronicle's editorial board gets gushy over a "human trafficking court" (probably in fact a human-trafficking court) created by juvenile-court judge Michael Schneider to deal with underage prostitutes: "Kudos," writes the Chron, "to all the parties involved for offering a humane, practical alternative for these vulnerable youngsters." Houston State Sen. John Whitmire has a long and distinguished history in working for prison reform and alternatives to
Posted on
July 28, 2011 in
Names redacted to protect the innocent and the guilty alike.Best Motion in LimineBut what if it's denied? Douglas Hofstadter would be proud.
Posted on
July 25, 2011 in
Good news: Lana Shadwick of the Harris County District Attorney's Office's Appellate Section, formerly of Fulbright & Jaworski (and a bunch of other places that have nothing to do with the trial of criminal cases), has decided to run for criminal court judge.I heard the news that Shadwick would be running in the Republican primary against Kristin Guiney (who outclasses Shadwick across the board, and who I
Posted on
July 25, 2011 in
I don't much care what standard Stanford University uses to decide whether to expel students accused of sexual assault. The issue doesn't get my blood pumping. If Stanford chooses "a preponderance of the evidence" and other schools follow a higher standard ("clear and convincing evidence," or even "beyond a reasonable doubt"), potential Stanford students are free to decide whether they want to attend a Hysterifascist People's Utopia,
Posted on
July 23, 2011 in
Here is the advice you see before sending a comment to Bennett & Bennett via our website: This form is for potential clients to contact Bennett & Bennett. Do not use this form if you are trying to sell SEO services or anything else. Pretty unambiguous, right? So when Steve Kramer of LegalMatch sent me an email via the contact form last December, I responded:
Posted on
July 19, 2011 in
If you are afraid that the prosecution is giving the jury false information based on your data (via Bobby Frederick, South Carolina Criminal Defense Blog), tell the defense.
Posted on
July 18, 2011 in
Nancy Grace is vile: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. Scott Greenfield thinks someone should do something about Nancy Grace, and that someone is the Georgia Bar: But Nancy Grace's refusal to adhere to the obligations of a lawyer is unethical. She may not be stoppable on TV, where the demand for eyeballs consumes any interest in accuracy or ethics, but how is