•   Posted on

     July 17, 2011 in 

    I get it: if you disrespect the TSA authoritah, you will get arrested.Like this:But now, a Colorado woman is accused of putting her hands on a TSA agent at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. Court records show 61-year-old Yukari Mihamae grabbed the left breast of the female agent Thursday at the Terminal 4 checkpoint. Police say she squeezed and twisted the agent’s breast with both hands.

  •   Posted on

     July 15, 2011 in 

    "This is a Defamation case that was filed only a couple of months ago; it is brand new. If the case survives the motions to dismiss, I assume it will be 2 or 3 years before it is over. There are many, many defendants and once they learn who the lawyer is who I will hire as the Attorney of Record, they will almost certainly engage in

  •   Posted on

     July 13, 2011 in 

    (a)  A person commits an offense who, in a public place and with intent to cause public annoyance or alarm:      (1)  Engages in fighting or in violent or threatening behavior;      (2)  Refuses to obey an official order to disperse issued to maintain public safety in dangerous proximity to a fire, hazard or other emergency; or      (3)  Creates a hazardous or physically

  •   Posted on

     July 13, 2011 in 

    We’re back from our trip to and around the East Coast—about 6,000 miles on the highway, a riskier mode of travel than taking sixty-seven random airline flights would have been in 2001. Do I feel justified in putting my family in such terrible danger? Let’s review some of the TSA news while we were gone.Our friends at the TSA have been busy. The day that we left,

  •   Posted on

     June 13, 2011 in 

    Tannebaum wrote in No One Would Like My Commentary On The Casey Anthony Case about lawyers taking advantage of the "press frenzy" to get their faces on TV:Some of the "reporting" by the local Orlando media is disgraceful. No one cares about fair trials anymore, it's all about the opinions, the "bombshells," and the guessing about what a jury will believe. Few of the commentators have ever

  •   Posted on

     June 12, 2011 in 

    In trial, credibility is everything. If the jury believes the criminal-defense lawyer, the defendant has a fighting chance even in the face of evidence that is on its face strong; if the jury thinks the criminal-defense lawyer is a liar, the defendant is doomed even if the facts against him appear weak.So there is a certain logic to Orlando criminal-defense lawyer Jose Baez asking for a mistrial

  •   Posted on

     June 11, 2011 in 

    When Norm Pattis was being real, I enjoyed reading him even when he and I fought. But I confess that I have had little interest in his writings since he hired a marketer to rebrand him and his blog. Norm is no longer being real. Norm is a fighter, but on his blog he picks at people passive-aggressively, referring to other bloggers without naming or linking to

  •   Posted on

     June 10, 2011 in 

    Too good to keep to myself, from Brazoria County criminal-defense lawyer Jeff Purvis:This tip comes courtesy of my fellow Brazoria County lawyer, David Sharp. How many times have we all worked out a sweetheart deal for some 3 time ex-con charged with a 3rd degree or better felony only to communicate the offer and be met with, "Why can't I get me a 12.44(a)? E're body in

  •   Posted on

     June 7, 2011 in 

    My fellow Texas criminal-defense lawyers:We elected Gary Trichter to the presidency of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, breaking the Board's monopoly on nominations.We helped kill the proposed State Bar rule changes. We helped install a criminal-defense lawyer as president of the State Bar of Texas. It looks like our votes may make a difference. So…If you are a member of TCDLA and you're going to be in

  •   Posted on

     June 3, 2011 in 

    From the transcript of the hearing on Dontrell Deaner's request to fire Joseph Rakofsky from Deaner's criminal case:It was apparent to the Court that there was a—not a good grasp of legal principles and legal procedure of what was admissibIe and what was not admissible that inured, I think, to the detriment of Mr. Deaner. And had there been—If there had been a conviction in this case,

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