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 July 28, 2012 in 

Let me sum up:

Jim’s client is Paul’s client’s mistress. 

Chip’s client is Paul’s client’s wife. 

Jim’s client hires a hitman to kill Chip’s client.

After she is arrested, Jim’s Client claims that Paul’s client was in on the scheme.

The case against Paul’s client is dropped after Jim’s client, via letter from jail, tries to get Paul’s client whacked.

Jim’s client pleads to twenty years in prison.

Chip’s client says, “”This corrupt plea deal would be understandable if she had not lived her adult life lying, cheating, stealing and trying to kill anyone who crossed her or stood in her way,” and “I feel completely betrayed by [the trial prosecutor and the elected DA] for making this crooked deal. It is clear that this monster is very unstable and she should spend the rest of her existence behind bars where she cannot attempt to kill anyone else.” (She presumably refers, in that last sentence, to Jim’s Client and not to the elected DA.)

Jim says, “Unfortunately, [his client] has to wake up now and realize that each morning, [Chip’s client] gets to turn her head over on a pillow and look in to the eye of the person who was responsible for trying to get her killed. And that is something she’s got to live with for a long time.”

Chip says, “I’m completely offended that the district attorney’s office would sell out to this degree. Jim…threw a fit that [Paul’s Client’s] case was going to be dismissed and [the elected DA] pacified [Jim] by giving his client just 20 years.”

The elected DA writes a news release: “Chip…has once again demonstrated that he and the truth are strangers, and calumny is his constant companion. Defamation spews from his lips as naturally as breathing.”

Chip responds, “”I appreciate her flowery language but find it extremely odd given her track record of the lies, that she would choose to recriminate me in this setting. I’m not at all surprised that she would sink to such deplorable tactics. It is absolutely a new low.”

Even without extra points for transitive use of “recriminate,” I think Chip wins this round on points: he could, depending on the situation, spin Lykos’s news release two ways, either of which would be good for him with potential clients: “look, I do such a good job that the DA attacked me publicly” or (after January) “look, I’m so tight with the elected DA that the last DA attacked me publicly.” And laugh all the way to the bank.

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  1. Robb Fickman July 29, 2012 at 10:14 am - Reply

    Lykos commenting on morality is down right funny. She has no moral compass.

    Is this the Same Lykos whose ” transition team” came in and fired scores of dedicated investigators and assistant DAs because they didn’t pass the loyalty test? Her loyalty test.

    Is this the Same Lykos who sent a highly respected ADA to a secret Committee for insubornition for questioning the questionable judgement of a Lykos insider who was in charge of
    The secret committee?

    Is this the Same Lykos who Had A scientists contract with the county terminated when the scientist testified truthfully for the defense?

    Is this the same Lykos who attempted to have a grand jury indict that same scientist?

    Is this the same Lykos who still employs an ADA who invoked the 5th when questioned about the above-referenced scheme?

    Is this the same Lykos who has demoralized an entire office of mostly good public servants?

    All the trial lawyers: Chip, Paul, Jim & Kari are good lawyers and they have all done something
    Lykos has still never done. They have all tried a case, and with honor. Her honor has not.

    Robert Fickman

    This is the sammoral high ground long ago. That is not a reflection on every ADA.

  2. Alex Bunin July 30, 2012 at 9:40 am - Reply

    Hey. “Alleged hit man.” That’s our client.

    • Mark W. Bennett July 30, 2012 at 10:21 am - Reply

      I believe it’s been established that she hired a hitman to kill her boyfriend’s wife. Whether your client was that hitman may be in question; if so, I’ll take your word for it.

  3. Alex Bunin July 30, 2012 at 2:55 pm - Reply

    You are correct as usual.

  4. David T August 4, 2012 at 6:49 pm - Reply

    When I was divorcing, my divorce lawyer told me “For God’s sake, don’t move back into Harris county. Because if you do, you’ll have go thru the Harris County courts, and you don’t want to do that. Hey, Galveston courts have their problems, but Stay Out of Harris.” Looks like it’s still true.

    But they aren’t as bad as the Harris County Child Protective Services. Arrgh.

  5. David T August 13, 2012 at 4:29 pm - Reply

    And as a followup comment about CPS, I reference this story of a Texas dad and CPS:

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