Posted on

 November 4, 2019 in 

I think I have discovered a bug in how DPS administers the sex-offender registry in dealing with people who have ten-year sex-offender registration offenses and prison sentences.

If you went to prison for a ten-year-registration offense, and have been out of prison (regardless of parole status) for more than nine years, I’d like to hear from you. We may be able to do something on your behalf.

Please spread the word.


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One Comment

  1. THANH TA November 4, 2019 at 5:03 pm - Reply

    I have been released from incarceration and not under any type of supervision since April of 1997, but my offense is sexual assault in a 2nd degree which I committed and got convicted in 1992, way before texas has a registry, so I think I am a lifer on the registry. Is there anything u can do in that regard?

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