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 April 4, 2011 in 

The two choices for President-Elect of the State Bar of Texas are San Angelo personal-injury lawyer Guy Choate and Tyler criminal-defense lawyer Buck Files.

I know what you’re wondering: what do they say about the recent rules referendum? In interviews with the Texas Bar Journal, Files said:

In every office that I have visited while campaigning, I have heard concerns voiced about the recent referendum — and the comments are not positive. The State Bar needs to respond to these lawyers. We must consider what can be done to address the apparent disconnect between the Supreme Court of Texas, the leadership of the Bar, and the members of the Bar. The leadership of the Bar, even now, is reaching out to lawyers across the state to assure them that the State Bar will listen to them. It is critical that the leaders of our State Bar continue to do this. Listening is a part of leading. On the other hand, it is encouraging that so many lawyers took the time to study the proposals and to vote. We need to find positive ways to continue this level of engagement.

Which is not confidence-inspiring, but is much better than Mr. Choate’s half-truth:

The members of the Bar recently rejected a referendum put forward by the Texas Supreme Court.

This could be the first time a criminal-defense lawyer is President of the State Bar of Texas. I’ve voted for Buck, and so, I hope, will you.

Vote here. It takes fifteen seconds.

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