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July 9, 2010 in
"Watch this, Mark. I'm going to lie to the judge just to show you that I can."
That's not exactly what she said.
This morning The Snake was seeking a delay of the trial (set next Monday) of a case in which she's prosecuting a client of mine. This was her second motion for a continuance, but it didn't even come close to complying with the law for a first motion for continuance, much less the stricter requirements for the State's second motion for continuance. The court could be expected to grant the continuance as a matter of course, but my client wants his day in court, so I was bound to object.
It's not the stuff of high drama, I know. Lawyers approach judge, prosecutor wants delay, defense objects, judge grants delay. It happens every day.
The Snake had claimed in her motion that witnesses had travel plans, but hadn't named the witnesses. I pointed this out to the judge, and the judge asked The Snake why she needed her continuance. The Snake changed tacks and blamed me—by requesting notice of other acts that she intends to introduce at trial, I had somehow forced her to ask for a continuance.
Never mind that a request for notice is an everyday pleading, designed only to trigger responsibilities that every competent prosecutor knows exist. Never mind that the court had ordered her months ago to give me notice. Never mind that she had already given me notice. The Snake wanted a delay, and instead of telling the truth (whatever that is) she wanted an excuse.
There are two possible explanations for The Snake's conduct. One is that The Snake really believed that my request for notice triggered some unusual duty that created more last-minute work for her. I reject that possibility—it would make her not only ignorant but also careless, and, considering that she's been a prosecutor for more than 20 years, won plenty of cases, and survived regime change in the DA's Office, I don't think she's either. I'm not saying she's a rocket scientist, but she's not a buffoon.
The other, more likely, possibility is this: she's willing to say whatever she thinks she needs to say, regardless of the truth of the matter, to get her way even in the smallest of matters. This seems like the more likely explanation, considering her successful career at the Harris County District Attorney's office. I don't believe most prosecutors think it's okay to lie—to a defense lawyer, to a judge, to a jury—but some do, and I've never seen any hint that the Office somehow weeds out those prosecutors. In fact, I have seen more than one prosecutor, now in a management position whom I have seen telling barefaced lies to judges.
That The Snake is malevolent rather than negligent is supported by consensus among the Brethren of the Court; it's also the smarter strategic explanation. If I were to assume that she were just sloppy, I might treat her that way in trial, which would be a grave mistake if I were wrong. By treating her as dishonest, I lose nothing but the chance to be invited over to her place for barbecue on Labor Day.
The Snake was going to get what she wanted today. She didn't need to make up a story. By doing so she gave me a tremendous gift: she showed me that the truth doesn't matter to her. It won't surprise me when she lies to the jury about something that matters—I'll be watching for it—and when I catch her doing it, if I can show the jury, her credibility will be right where it should be, and her case along with it.
Nice catch!
Since she doesn’t know what you know, start watching for the tell when you have the chance. If you want a bonus, cultivate and practice one or more false tells for yourself. You can use one when you need an extra edge or when you’re laying a trap for the opposition.
Nice blog too.
Maybe she likes you, …a lot, and has to dink with you to get your attention? She sounds like one of my ex-wives.Or, even several of them. Where’s the smiley faces button when you need them??
Consider a smiley-face attached. Ric
It seems to me that this woman is likely to discover what you’ve written about her and not only will be on guard but will have a vendetta.
Ernie, if she’s on guard, does that mean she starts telling the truth? That won’t break my heart.
Vendetta wouldn’t be very clever, considering what I have so far left (but don’t have to leave) out of the telling of this particular tale.
But yeah, probably so.
“if she’s on guard, does that mean she starts telling the truth?”
Well, no, you’d probably have to really hammer her a couple of more times on what I presume are less than egregious breaches of truthfullness. I believe that as you haven’t published her more egregious breaches of truthfulness or duty that you have alluded to, or her name, you do not want to start a war. I think that she likely perceives this as weakness – you don’t lie to get your way, you’re leery of taking any actions other than identifying her with a pseudonym on a blog, etc.. -other than what I think your post actually is, and that is a notice to her that she has to straighten her act out.
Another possible why of your avoidance of wanting to start a declared war is apparent; it’s political [or socio-political]. Despite your being in the right, and in a just system ultimately prevailing, you’d be the recipient of enmity from many quarters as this person who would lie to get her way even in the little things spread her vitriol. Unfortunately, and you may not even be aware, I believe that it’s on. [I’ve been there and didn’t even realize a war had started until ranks of former friends and acquaintances had been allied against me because of thier own simple ignorance; and ranging from the subtle to the overt.]
Finally, I said all that because I know your confidence.